
尊敬的父母: 您好!非常感谢您在百忙之中填写这份问卷,我们调查的目的是想了解子女和父母之间是如何相处来维持亲子关系。本问卷各项答案无所谓好坏对错,所以请您依据自己的想法,放心填写,谢谢您的合作!
1. 您的年龄是?What age groups are you in?
2. 您觉得您的孩子是什么类型的呢?What kind of your children?
3. 您多长时间没有见到孩子?How long have you not seen your children?
4. 您多久没有跟孩子真心地面对面谈话?How long have you not sincerely communicated with your children face to face?
5. 当您和孩子发生分歧时,你会怎么做?What would you do when you disagree with your children?
6. 您觉得以下哪些话能更好地引导孩子?Which do you think would guide children better? (多选题)(multiple choice)
7. 你会帮孩子承担责任吗?Do you take responsibility for your children?
8. 您觉得您与孩子的亲近度是:How close do you think you are to your children?
9. 家里的大小事您是否会跟孩子一起商量?Do you discuss family matters with your children?
10. 对于孩子与父母之间的关系您有什么想说的或好的建议吗?Do you have any good suggestions or something want to say about the relationship between children and their parents?
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