Questionnaire of Microplastics in Cosmetics
1.您的性别是?What is your gender?
A. 男 Male
B. 女 Female
C. 其他 Other
2. 您的年龄是? What is your age?
A. 18 岁以下 Under 18 years old
B. 18-25 岁 18-25 years old
C. 26-35 岁 26-35 years old
D. 36-45 岁 36-45 years old
E. 45 岁以上 Over 45 years old
3. 您使用化妆品的频率是? How often do you use cosmetics?
A. 每天都用 Use every day
B. 每周3-5次 3-5 times a week
C. 每周1-2次 1-2 times a week
D. 很少用 Seldom use
4. 您是否听说过化妆品中含有微塑料? Have you heard that cosmetics may contain microplastics?
A. 非常了解 Very familiar
B. 听说过,但不太清楚 Heard of it, but not very clear
C. 第一次听说 Heard for the first time
5. 您知道哪些化妆品类别可能含有微塑料吗?(可多选)Which categories of cosmetics do you know may contain microplastics?
A. 磨砂膏 Scrub cream
B. 洗面奶 Facial cleanser
C. 沐浴露 Shower gel
D. 牙膏 Toothpaste
E. 眼影 Eye shadow
F.粉底产品 Foundation products
G. 其他(请注明) Others
6. 您认为化妆品中的微塑料对人体健康是否有危害?Do you think microplastics in cosmetics are harmful to human health?
A. 肯定有危害 Definitely harmful
B. 可能有危害 May be harmful
C. 不清楚 Not sure
D. 不太可能有危害 Unlikely to be harmful
E. 肯定没有危害 Definitely not harmful
7. 如果化妆品中含有微塑料,您认为对环境会造成什么影响?(可多选)If cosmetics contain microplastics, what impact do you think it will have on the environment?
A. 污染水源 Pollute water sources
B. 危害海洋生物 Harm marine life
C. 土壤污染 Soil pollution
D. 其他(请注明) Others
E. 没有影响 No impact
8. 当您购买化妆品时,是否会关注产品成分中是否含有微塑料?When you buy cosmetics, do you pay attention to whether microplastics are included in the product ingredients?
A. 每次都会仔细查看 Check carefully every time
B. 偶尔会看 Check occasionally
C. 从来不会看 Never check
9. 如果一款化妆品明确标注不含微塑料,您是否会更倾向于购买?If a cosmetic clearly labels that it contains no microplastics, will you be more inclined to buy it?
A. 肯定会 Definitely will
B. 可能会 May will
C. 不确定 Uncertain
D. 可能不会 May not
E. 肯定不会 Definitely not
10. 您觉得目前化妆品行业对微塑料的监管力度如何?How do you think the current regulatory efforts on microplastics in the cosmetics industry are?
A. 非常严格 Very strict
B. 比较严格 Relatively strict
C. 一般 General
D. 不太严格 Not very strict
E. 完全没有监管 No regulation at all
11. 您希望通过哪些渠道了解更多关于化妆品中微塑料的信息?(可多选)Through which channels do you hope to learn more information about microplastics in cosmetics? (Multiple choices)
A. 媒体报道 Media reports
B. 品牌宣传 Brand promotion
C. 专业机构研究报告 Research reports of professional institutions
D. 社交平台讨论 Discussions on social platforms
E. 其他(请注明) Others
12. 您是否愿意为不含有微塑料的化妆品支付更高的价格?
Are you willing to pay a higher price for cosmetics that do not contain microplastics?
A. 非常愿意 Very willing
B. 比较愿意 Relatively willing
C. 看价格差距 Depends on the price difference
D. 不太愿意 Not very willing
E. 完全不愿意 Not willing at all
其他 others
13.您认为化妆品中的微塑料可能会对皮肤造成哪些影响?(可多选)What impacts do you think microplastics in cosmetics may have on the skin? (Multiple choices)
A. 堵塞毛孔 Clog pores
B. 引发过敏反应 Trigger allergic reactions
C. 导致皮肤干燥 Cause skin dryness
D. 加速皮肤衰老 Accelerate skin aging
E. 其他(请注明) Others
14. 您身边是否有人因为微塑料问题而改变化妆品使用习惯?Are there people around you who have changed their cosmetics usage habits due to the microplastic issue?
A. 很多人 Many people
B. 有一些人 Some people
C. 很少人 Few people
D. 没有人 No one
15. 对于减少化妆品中微塑料的使用,您还有其他的建议或想法吗?(可简要说明)Do you have any other suggestions or ideas for reducing the use of microplastics in cosmetics?