6. 您具备的学历:Your educational attainment: 中学(中专)Secondary school (technical secondary school) 大学专科及本科Junior college and undergraduate 研究生及以上Postgraduate and above 其他(请填写)Other (please fill in)
7. 您现在的身份是:Your current status: 全日制大学学历生Full-time undergraduate or graduate student 非全日制大学学历生Part-time undergraduate or graduate student 长期(1年及以上)脱产培训学员Long-term (1 year and above) full-time training student 短期(1年以内)脱产培训学员 Short-term (less than 1 year) full-time training student 参加培训(不脱产)的企业员工Enterprise employee participating in training (without leaving work) 以上选项之外的其他人员Other (besides the above options)
8. 您已经学习中文的时间:How long have you been learning Chinese: 半年以内Less than 6 months 半年到一年6 months to 1 year 一年到一年半1-1.5 years 一年半到两年1.5-2 years 两年到两年半2-2.5 years 两年半到三年2.5-3 years 三年以上More than 3 years
9. 您目前具备的汉语水平是:Your current Chinese proficiency level: 未学过或汉语初学者Never learned or beginner in Chinese HSK1-2级 HSK3-4级 HSK5-6级 汉语精通(熟练)者Proficient (skilled) in Chinese
10. 您目前具备的职业技能情况是:Your current vocational skill situation: 尚未接触或学习过职业技能Have not been exposed to or learned vocational skills yet 初级以下职业技能Vocational skills below the primary level 初级职业技能Primary vocational skills 中级职业技能Intermediate vocational skills 高级职业技能Advanced vocational skills
11. 您学习或拟学习的专业/技能领域是______(如:电子商务、机械制造、旅游管理等)The major/skill field you are studying or plan to study: ______ (such as: E - commerce, Mechanical Manufacturing, Tourism Management, etc.) 12. 您学习“中文+职业技能”课程的时长:The duration of your study of the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" course: 6个月以下Less than 6 months 6-12个月6 - 12 months 1-2年1 - 2 years 2年以上More than 2 years
13. 您目前在哪里进行“中文+职业技能”的学习:Where are you currently studying the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" course: 中国国内高等学校或职业院校Higher education institutions or vocational colleges in China 中国高校或职业院校的海外教育机构Educational institutions of Chinese higher education institutions or vocational colleges out of China
二、“中文+职业技能”教育情况II. Situation of "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Education (一)关于“中文+职业技能”教育认同和满意度的调查(I) Survey on the Recognition and Satisfaction of "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Education (请选择最符合你目前情况的选项。注:1:非常不同意/满意 2:不太同意/满意 3:持中态度 4:比较同意/满意 5:非常同意/满意)(Please select the option that best suits your current situation. Note: 1: Strongly disagree/satisfied; 2: Disagree/satisfied to some extent; 3: Neutral; 4: Agree/satisfied relatively; 5: Strongly agree/satisfied) 14. 教育教学基础设施与设备完善The educational and teaching infrastructure and equipment are complete. 15. 课程设置能够达成培养目标The course arrangement can achieve the training objectives. 16. 课程设置合理The course arrangement is reasonable. 17. 教学班级设置(学生专业、班级员额等)合理The class arrangement (students' majors, class size, etc.) is reasonable. 18. 总体上教学课时量合适Generally speaking, the teaching hours are appropriate. 19. 校企合作助力人才培养(如无校企合作选1)School- enterprise cooperation helps talent cultivation (select 1 if there is no school - enterprise cooperation). 20. 教育教学活动秩序良好,运行平稳The educational and teaching activities are in good order and run smoothly. 21. 总体上教师队伍专业、年龄、职称等结构合理Generally speaking, the professional, age, and professional title structure of the teaching staff is reasonable. 22. 总体上任课教师数量合适Generally speaking, the number of teaching staff is appropriate. 23. 总体上教师具备中文教学和职业技能教学的资质Generally speaking, the teaching staff have the qualifications for Chinese teaching and vocational skill teaching. 24. 总体上说,我对所在学校开展的“中文+职业技能”教育满意Generally speaking, I am satisfied with the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education carried out by my school. (二)关于“中文+职业技能”教学认同和满意度的调查(II) Survey on the Recognition and Satisfaction of "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Teaching 25. 教学内容里中文和职业技能教学融合度高The integration degree of Chinese and vocational skill teaching in the teaching content is high. 26. 总的来说,课程教学内容学习难度大Generally speaking, the difficulty of the curriculum teaching content is high. 27. 教学中的实践性内容(实习、实训等)设定合理且丰富The practical content (internships, training, etc.) in the teaching is reasonably set and rich. 28. 教师具备良好的中文教学或职业技能教学的素质The teaching staff have good qualities in Chinese teaching or vocational skill teaching. 29. 教学使用的教材适合我们学习The teaching materials are suitable for our study. 30. 学校提供了丰富而好用的教学资源和平台The school provides rich and useful teaching resources and platforms. 31. 总体来说,课堂教学方法合适Generally speaking, the classroom teaching methods are appropriate. 32. 总体来说,课程教学效果好Generally speaking, the teaching effect of the curriculum is good. 33. 总体上说,我对学校开展的“中文+职业技能”教学满意Generally speaking, I am satisfied with the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" teaching carried out by my school. (三)关于“中文+职业技能”教育的情况与认识( Ⅲ ) Situation and Understanding of "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Education 34. 您选择接受“中文+职业技能”教育的原因有(多选并按重要程度降序排序 ):The reasons for you to choose "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education are (multiple choices,and than Please arrange the above selected items in descending order of importance ): A.个人兴趣 Personal interest B.家人、老师、同学等的推荐Recommendation from family members, teachers, classmates, etc. C.增加就业竞争力Increase employment competitiveness D.就业前景好Good employment prospects E.自己所在企业的安排Arrangement of your own enterprise F.提升中文能力Improve Chinese proficiency G.掌握实用技能Master practical skills H.其他(请写出)Others (please write down)
35. 您在学习过程中遇到的困难有:(多选并按困难程度降序排序 )The difficulties you encounter in the learning process are: (multiple choices, and than Please arrange the above selected items in descending order of difficulty ) A.中文语言障碍Chinese language barriers B.技能课程难度高High difficulty of skill courses C.缺乏实践机会Lack of practical opportunities D.教学资源不足Insufficient teaching resources E.其他(请写出) Others (please write down)
36. 您的专业(职业技能)课教材的语种是:The language of the textbooks for your major (vocational skills) course is: A.完全是中文Completely in Chinese B.中文+英文Chinese + English C.完全是英文 Completely in English D.中文+您的母语Chinese + your mother tongue E.完全是您的母语Completely in your mother tongue F.其他(请具体说明)Others (please specify)
37. 您认为自己用中文所学的专业课难度如何?How do you think of the difficulty of the professional courses you have learned in Chinese? A.非常简单,可以完全听懂Very easy, and I can fully understand it. B.比较简单,大部分都可以听懂Relatively easy, and I can understand most of it. C.难度适中Moderate difficulty D.比较困难,只能听懂很少一部分Relatively difficult, and I can only understand a little. E.非常困难,基本听不懂Very difficult, and I can hardly understand it.
38. 在用中文学习专业课的过程中,您认为难度最大的部分是(可多选):In the process of learning professional courses in Chinese, which part do you think is the most difficult (multiple choices are available)? A.专业词汇的理解、记忆和使用Understanding, memorizing and using professional vocabulary B.对专业课内容的口语表达和交流Oral expression and communication of professional course content C.专业文章的阅读Reading professional articles D.专业论文的写作Writing professional papers E.专业课所涉及到的中国文化内容的理解Understanding the Chinese cultural content involved in professional courses F.其他(请具体说明)Others (please specify)
39. 您的专业课教师是否经常在课上使用多媒体(如音频、视频、PPT等):Does your teacher often use multimedia (such as audio, video, PPT, etc.) in Chinese language class? A.从不使用Never use it B.偶尔使用 Use it occasionally C.经常使用Use it frequently D.每节课都会使用Use it in every class
40. 您所学的专业是否有实践或实训内容:Does the major you are studying have practical or training practice ? A.完全没有实践内容Completely no practical content B.有少量实践内容A small amount of practical content C.有适量的实践内容An appropriate amount of practical content D.有大量实践内容A large amount of practical content
41. 您认为在专业课上学到的知识有多少可以应用到实践中:How much of the knowledge you have learned in professional courses do you think can be applied to practice? A.几乎没有 Almost none B.有一小部分A small part C.接近半数Close to half D.有一大部分A large part E.全部All
42. 您所在的专业或学校是否开设了与中国文化、中国概况等相关的课程,安排过中国文化的体验活动(如实地体验、参观博物馆等活动):Has your major or school offered courses related to Chinese culture, Chinese general situation, etc., and arranged Chinese cultural experience activities (such as on - site experience, visiting museums, etc.)? A.是,安排过的活动比较多Yes, and a relatively large number of activities have been arranged. B.是,安排过的活动比较少Yes, but a relatively small number of activities have been arranged. C.否,但是安排过相关活动No, but related activities have been arranged. D.否,没有安排过相关活动No, no related activities have been arranged.
43. 您所在的专业或学校是否开展过“中文+职业技能”方面的就业指导或职业生涯规划课程:Has your major or school carried out employment guidance or career planning courses related to "Chinese + Vocational Skills"? A.是Yes B.否No
44. 您所在的专业是否会邀请本专业的专家来校交流、讲座:Does your major invite experts in the field to communicate and give lectures at the school? A.是Yes B.否No
45. 您所在学校或任课教师是否向您介绍过本专业的一些职业资格证书,并鼓励您参加相关的考试:Has your school or teacher introduced some professional qualification certificates of your major to you and encouraged you to participate in the relevant exams? A.是 Yes B.否No
46. 您所在的学校是否与相关企业有合作:Does your school have cooperation with relevant enterprises? A.是 Yes B.否No
47. 您在毕业/结业后是否计划从事与所学专业相关的工作:Do you plan to engage in work related to your major after graduation/completion of the course? A.是 Yes B.否No C.不确定Not sure
48. 您在毕业后计划在哪里就业:Where do you plan to work after graduation? A.计划留中国Plan to stay in China B.计划回到自己的国家Plan to return to your own country C.计划前往其他国家Plan to go to other countries D.不确定留在哪里,随工作情况而定Not sure where to stay, depending on the work situation E.毕业后暂时不考虑就业Do not consider employment temporarily after graduation
49. 您觉得“中文+职业技能”教育对您以后的职业生涯有影响吗?Do you think the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education has an impact on your future career? A.有很大影响Has a great impact B.有一定影响 Has a certain impact C.不一定Not sure D.没有影响Has no impact
50. 通过职业技能课程学习,您的职业技能水平提升效果如何?Through the study of vocational skill courses, how is the improvement effect of your vocational skill level? A.显著提升Significantly improved B.有所提升Somewhat improved C.一般Average D.提升有限Limited improvement E.无提升No improvement
51. 通过语言课程学习,您的中文水平是否达到预期目标(如预期的HSK等级或工作沟通需求)?Through the study of language courses, has your Chinese proficiency reached the expected goal (such as the expected HSK level or work communication needs)? A.完全达到Completely reached B.基本达到Basically reached C.部分达到Partially reached D.未达到Not reached
52. 您认为“中文+职业技能”教育对您的职业发展帮助主要体现在?(多选)In what aspects do you think the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education helps your career development? (multiple choices) A.拓宽就业市场(如中国企业)Expand the employment market (such as Chinese enterprises) B.薪资提升Salary increase C.岗位适配度提高Improve the job D.其他(请写出) Other (please write down)
53. 您是否愿意推荐他人学习“中文+职业技能”项目?Are you willing to recommend others to study the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" program? A.非常愿意Very willing B.愿意Willing C.一般Neutral D.不愿意Unwilling E.坚决不推荐Definitely not willing
三、“中文+职业技能”课堂教学评价Ⅲ . Evaluation of "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Classroom Teaching 请选择最符合你目前情况的选项。Please select the option that best suits your current situation. 注:1:非常不同意 2:不太同意 3:持中态度 4:有些同意 5:非常同意Note: 1: Strongly disagree; 2: Disagree to some extent; 3: Neutral; 4: Agree relatively; 5: Strongly agree
54. 课程的内容有意思The content of the course is interesting. 55. 课程对提高中文水平和职业技能水平有帮助The course is helpful for improving Chinese proficiency and vocational skill level. 56. 教师讲得明白易懂The teacher explains clearly and understandably. 57. 教师讲得生动有趣The teacher's explanation is vivid and interesting. 58. 教师讲话的速度适当The teacher speaks at an appropriate speed. 59. 教师的信息化教学手段运用规范、恰当The teacher uses information-based teaching methods standard and appropriately. 60. 课堂语言学习和专业理论学习做得好 The language learning and professional theory learning in class are well done. 61. 课程实训实习做得好 The course internships and training are well done. 62. 课后作业的内容和数量适当The content and quantity of after-class assignments are appropriate. 63. 课堂教学气氛活跃,学习氛围轻松、愉悦 The classroom teaching atmosphere is active, and the learning atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant. 64. 总体上说我对课程的内容感兴趣 Generally speaking, I am interested in the content of the course. 65. 总体上说我对课程的内容学会了 Generally speaking, I have learned the content of the course. 66. 总体上说我对课程的教师满意Generally speaking, I am satisfied with the teacher of the course. 67. 四、对于学校开展的“中文+职业技能”教育,您有什么意见和建议?IV. What are your opinions and suggestions on the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" education carried out by the school?