
Hello! We are a researcher of the International Communication Research Project Group of Shandong University. Thank you for taking the precious time out of your busy schedule to participate in this questionnaire survey. There is no right or wrong answer to the questions in the questionnaire. You just need to answer according to your actual situation. It takes about 7 minutes to fill in the questionnaire. We promise to keep your answers strictly confidential and only for statistical analysis. Please feel free to fill in. Thank you for your support!
1. 您的身份是
2. 您的年龄段
3. 您对舜井社区国际化服务的整体满意度如何?(1-5分,1为非常不满意,5为非常满意)
4. 您参与过以下哪些社区活动?
5. 您选择定居舜井社区的主要原因是什么?
6. 您认为社区在促进中外居民文化融合方面做得如何?(1-5分)
7. 您是否在社区生活中遇到过文化差异带来的挑战?
8. 您认为社区可以通过哪些方式提升中外文化交流?
9. 您主要通过哪些渠道获取舜井社区的国际传播信息?
10. 您是否了解过社区的国际志愿者项目,对其效果如何评价
11. 您是否愿意参与社区治理活动(如担任志愿者,提供建议等)
12. 您是否认为外籍居民应更多参与社区治理?
13. 您认为社区在对外传播方面有哪些优化方向?
14. 您认为社区可以采取哪些措施进一步提升国际社区特色建设?
15. 您是否愿意在未来更积极的参与社区的国际传播与文化交流?
16. 您在舜井社区工作多久了?
17. 您的工作主要涉及哪些方面?
18. 您认为社区在处理本地居民和外籍居民之间的关系时可能遇到的困难?
19. 您是否认为外籍居民应更多参与社区治理?
20. 您认为社区国际志愿者主要起到哪方面作用?
21. 您对社区志愿者服务有何改进建议?
22. 您认为社区在对外传播方面有哪些优化方向?
23. 您认为社区可以采取哪些措施进一步提升国际社区特色建设?
24. 目前社区与哪些机构合作推动国际化?合作形式是?
25. 您对舜井社区未来国际传播与文化交流发展有何建议?
26. What is your nationality? 
27. How long have you been in Shunjing Community? 
28. How satisfied are you with the international services in Shunjing Community? (1-5)
29. What are your main reasons for choosing to live in Shunjing Community? 
30. Do you often interact with local residents?
31. Have you ever participated in volunteer activities in Shunjing Community?
32. Through which channels do you primarily receive information about Shunjing Community's international outreach? 
33. Which of the following community activities have you participated in?
34. Have you faced any challenges living in the community?
35. Would you be willing to participate in community activities or governance?
36. How do you think the community can improve its international outreach? 
37. What suggestions do you have for improving cultural communication in the community?
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