关于睡眠问题及助眠产品的调查\nSurvey on sleep problems and sleep aid products

尊敬的受访者:Dear interviewee,
您好!为了设计一款有助于睡眠的香薰灯,我们开展此次调研。您的意见对我们至关重要,问卷大约会花费您 3 - 5 分钟时间。所有信息将严格保密,请您放心填写。感谢您的支持与配合!
Hello!In order to design an aromatherapy lamp that helps you sleep, we carried out this research.Your comments are important to us and the survey will take you about 3-5 minutes.All information will be strictly confidential, please feel free to fill in.Thanks for your support and cooperation!
1.您的年龄段是?What is your age group?
2.您的职业是?What is your occupation?
3.您通常晚上几点上床睡觉?What time do you usually go to bed at night?
4.您平均每晚的睡眠时间是?What is your average sleep duration per night?
5.您入睡通常需要多长时间?How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?
6.您夜间醒来的频率是?How often do you wake up during the night?
7.您的睡眠质量如何?How is your sleep quality?
8.您是否有睡眠方面的困扰?Do you have any sleep - related problems?
9.如果有,主要困扰是?(可多选)If yes, what are the main problems? (Multiple choices are allowed)
10.您认为导致您睡眠问题的原因是?(可多选)What do you think are the causes of your sleep problems? (Multiple choices are allowed)
11.您是否使用过香薰产品来辅助睡眠?Have you ever used aromatherapy products to assist with sleep?
12.如果有,您使用的是哪种香薰产品?(可多选)If yes, which aromatherapy products have you used? (Multiple choices are allowed)
13.您希望香薰灯散发哪种香味来帮助睡眠?(可多选)What scents do you hope the aromatherapy lamp will emit to help with sleep? (Multiple choices are allowed)
14.除了助眠香味,您还希望香薰灯具备哪些功能?(可多选)In addition to the sleep - aiding scent, what other functions do you hope the aromatherapy lamp will have? (Multiple choices are allowed)
15.您能接受的有助于睡眠的香薰灯的价格范围是?What price range of the sleep - aiding aromatherapy lamp are you willing to accept?
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