Coca-Cola research
1.您在3米外能否快速识别2024版可口可乐新包装的品牌标识?Can you quickly identify the brand identity of the new package of Coca-Cola 2024 from 3 meters away?
A立即识别(<3秒) Immediate recognition (<3 seconds )
B需观察5秒以上 Observe for more than 5 seconds
C无法直接识别Cannot be directly identified
2.以下哪些因素会影响您选择新包装产品?(多选)Which of the following factors will affect your choice of new packaging products? (Multiple options)
A包装环保认证标识 Packaging Environmental certification label
B瓶身设计美观度 Bottle design beauty
C价格不变/优惠活动Price unchanged/preferential activities
D二维码溯源功能 Two-dimensional code traceability function 材料触感(如磨砂质地) Material touch (such as frosted texture)
3.新包装上的“100%植物基材料”环保声明是否增强您的购买意愿?Does the "100% plant-based material" environmental statement on the new package enhance your purchase intention?
A显著增强 Significantly enhanced
B略有增强 Slightly enhanced
C无影响 No impact
D可能降低May be reduced
4.您如何评价新包装的视觉吸引力?(1-5分,1=非常差,5=非常好)How do you evaluate the visual appeal of the new package? (On a scale of 1-5, 1= very poor, 5= very good)
5.您是否扫描过瓶身的区块链溯源二维码?Have you scanned the QR code of the bottle's blockchain traceability?
是Yes(请说明用途please specify purpose:)
不感兴趣Not interested
操作复杂Complex operation
6.与传统包装相比,您认为新包装的辨识度如何?Compared with traditional packaging, how recognizable do you think the new packaging is?
A显著提升 Significant increase
B基本持平 Basically unchanged
C有所下降 Decreased
D难以判断Difficult to judge
7.您是否愿意为环保包装支付额外费用?(500ml产品为例)Are you willing to pay extra for environmentally friendly packaging? (500ml product as an example.) 可接受溢价Acceptable premium:
8.新包装的以下设计元素中,您最关注的是?(单选)Which of the following design elements of the new package do you care most about? (single option)
A瓶身轮廓曲线 Bottle contour curve
B标签色彩对比度 Label color contrast
C环保标识位置Environmental label position
D二维码区域大小QR code area size
9.您通过哪些渠道了解到新包装的环保特性?(多选)Through which channels did you learn about the environmental characteristics of the new packaging? (Multiple choices)
A社交媒体广告 Social media advertising
B超市陈列说明 Supermarket display description
C新闻媒体报道News media reports
D朋友推荐 Recommendations from friends
E包装本身信息 Packaging information
F从未了解News media reports
10.请用一句话描述您对新包装改进的建议Please describe in one sentence your suggestion for the improvement of the new packaging: