Nike in China social media marketing questionnaire
1. 性别 Gender:
男 Male
女 Female
2. 年龄 Age:
18岁以下 Under 18 years old
18-24岁 18-24 years old
25-34岁 25-34 years old
35-44岁 35-44 years old
45岁以上 Over 45 years old
3. 职业 Occupation:
学生 Student
上班族 office worker
自由职业者 Freelancer
退休 Retirement
其他 Others
4. 您是否使用社交媒体?
Do you use social media?
是 Yes
否 No
5. 您是否了解耐克在中国的品牌形象?
Do you know the brand image of Nike in China?
是 Yes
否 No
6. 您认为耐克的品牌口号对其品牌形象的影响程度如何?
How do you think Nike's brand slogan has influenced its brand image?
非常大 Very large
较大 Large
一般 Ordinary
较小 Lesser
没有影响 Make no difference
7. 您通过哪些社交媒体平台接触到耐克的品牌故事?
What social media platforms have you been exposed to Nike's brand story through?
微博 Microblog
微信 WeChat
抖音 Tik Tok
小红书 Little Red Book
其他 Others
8. 您认为耐克在中国市场的品牌故事传达是否有效?
Do you think Nike's brand story in the Chinese market is effective?
非常有效 Very effective
有效 Effective
一般 Ordinary
无效 Ineffective
非常无效 Very ineffective
9. 您是否关注耐克与运动员的合作关系?
Are you concerned about Nike's partnership with athletes?
是 Yes
否 No
10. 您认为耐克的运动员代言对其品牌形象的影响如何?
How do you think Nike's athlete endorsements affect its brand image?
非常积极 Very positive
积极 Positive
一般 Ordinary
消极 Passive
非常消极 Very passive
11. 您对耐克在重大赛事中的赞助行为持什么态度?
What is your attitude towards Nike's sponsorship of major events?
非常支持 Very support
支持 Support
中立 Neutrality
反对 against
非常反对 Very much against
12. 您认为耐克的赞助活动能否提高其品牌知名度?
Do you think Nike sponsorship can improve its brand awareness?
能 Yes
不能 No
13. 您是否关注耐克在女性运动方面的社会责任实践?
Are you concerned about Nike's social responsibility practices in women's sports?
是 Yes
否 No
14. 您认为耐克在推动女性运动方面的努力是否足够?
Do you think Nike is doing enough to promote women's sports?
非常足够 More than enough
足够 Enough
一般 Ordinary
不足 Inadequate
非常不足 Very inadequate
15. 您如何看待耐克在性别平等方面的倡导?
What do you think of Nike's advocacy for gender equality?
非常赞同 Strongly endorse
赞同 Endorse
中立 Neutrality
反对 Against
非常反对 Very much against
16. 您在购买耐克产品时,是否考虑过其社会责任表现?
When you buy Nike products, do you consider their social responsibility performance?
是 Yes
否 No
17. 您认为技术创新对您选择耐克品牌的吸引力有多大?
How attractive do you think technological innovation is for you to choose the Nike brand?
非常大 Very large
较大 Large
一般 Ordinary
较小 Lesser
没有影响 Make no difference
18. 您是否使用过或听说过耐克推出的具有先进科技的产品?(指Nike+智能产品,或各种应用了先进技术的,例如Nike Air气垫技术,Nike React泡沫技术等的鞋款)
Have you ever used or heard of Nike's products with advanced technology? (refers to Nike+ smart products, or a variety of shoes that use advanced technology, such as Nike Air cushion technology, Nike React foam technology, etc.)
是 Yes
否 No
19. 您对耐克在数字技术应用方面(指利用互联网或移动设备等解决问题的技术)的表现满意吗?
Are you satisfied with Nike's performance in the application of digital technologies (meaning problem-solving technologies such as the Internet or mobile devices)?
非常满意 Great satisfaction
满意 satisfaction
一般 Ordinary
不满意 Dissatisfaction
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied
20. 您是否了解耐克在社交媒体中使用AR和VR技术的情况?
Are you aware of Nike's use of AR and VR technology in social media?
是 Yes
否 No
21. 您认为耐克在社交媒体上的技术创新能否增强用户体验?
Do you think Nike's technological innovation on social media can enhance the user experience?
能 Yes
不能 No
22. 您在社交媒体上看到的耐克广告是否吸引您进行购买?
Do the Nike ads you see on social media entice you to make a purchase?
非常吸引 Very attractive
吸引 Attractive
一般 Ordinary
不吸引 Unattractive
非常不吸引 Very unattractive
23. 您认为耐克在社交媒体上的互动性如何?
What do you think of Nike's engagement on social media?
非常好 Very good
好 Good
一般 Ordinary
差 Bad
非常差 Very bad
24. 您是否愿意分享耐克的品牌故事或产品信息给他人?
Are you willing to share Nike brand story or product information with others?
是 Yes
否 No
25. 您对耐克未来在社交媒体上的宣传有什么样的期待,或建议?
What are your expectations or suggestions for Nike's future promotion on social media?
26. 您认为耐克在中国市场上宣扬的品牌形象与其他品牌相比如何(举例说明)?
How do you think Nike's brand image in the Chinese market compares with other brands (examples)?
27. 您认为耐克在品牌精神内核的传达方面有哪些可以改进的地方?
What do you think Nike can improve in terms of communicating the core of the brand spirit?
28. 您对耐克在女性运动推广方面有哪些建议?
What advice do you have for Nike to promote women's sports?
29. 请您简要描述您对耐克整体品牌的看法。
Please briefly describe your view of the overall Nike brand.