UKSRBA Individual Membership Application\n英国丝路商会个人入会申请

The UK Silk Road Business Association is a non-profit public welfare organisation approved and registered by the UK government. It was initiated jointly by representatives of relevant organisations in the UK, China, countries and regions along the Silk Road, and the wider region. 

Individual membership is free for applications before 31 June 2025. Before filling out the application, please pay a £50 membership fee when the application is after 31 June 2025, and upload the proof of payment (screenshot) below. 

Membership fee payment method 缴费信息:
Account holder: UK Silk Road Business Association
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number:
Reference(VERY IMPORTANT): Your full name
1. Your full name in your home language 你的母语姓名
2. English Name 英文名
3. Gender 性别
4. Nationality 国籍
5. Occupation 现就职机构及职务/现求学机构和专业
6. Birthday 出生年月
7. Last education 最高学历
8. UK Address 英国联系地址
9. Mobile 手机号码
10. Wechat account 微信号

(you will be invited to join our member's group)
11. Email 邮箱
12. Which year did you move to the UK 来英年月
13. Interests/Skills 爱好和特长
14. Relationship with Silk Road 与丝绸之路的关系
15. Where did you hear about us? 何处听说英国丝路商会
16. Volunteering interests and posts or donations 为英国丝路商会可以做出哪方面的公益或援助
17. Have You Paid a lifetime membership fee of £50? 是否已交50英镑终生会费?
(Membership is free for applications before 31 June 2025)
18. Upload membership fee payment proof 上传缴费凭证
(Membership is free for applications before 31 June 2025)
19. I agree that UKSRBA can use the information provided for communication purposes, sending Activities Notification and UKSRBA News. Without my permission, UKSRBA can not pass my information to a third party or sell it.

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