
Dear interviewee,

Thank you for participating in this survey. This questionnaire aims to understand college students' eating habits, consumption preferences and demand for hot pot catering, so as to help us make better market positioning and product design in the future hot pot restaurant business. Your answers will provide us with valuable reference information to help us provide a more tailored hotpot experience for our customers.

This questionnaire is completely anonymous and all information is used for academic research or market analysis only and will not be used for any other commercial purposes. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential and you can withdraw from the survey at any time if you wish.

This questionnaire will take about 5-10 minutes, thank you for your patience and cooperation!
1. 您的性别是?
What is your gender?
2. 您的年龄是多少?
What is your age? 
3. 您的家庭月收入水平大致是多少?
What is your household monthly income?
4. 您通常每周吃多少次外卖或外出就餐? 
How many times a week do you usually eat takeout or dine out? 
5. 您是否喜欢吃火锅?
Do you like eating hot pot? 
6. 如果喜欢火锅,您通常选择哪种类型的火锅?
If you like hot pot, which type do you usually choose? 
7. 您平均每顿外出就餐的花费是多少?
On average, how much do you spend on each dining out experience? 
8. 您愿意为一顿火锅付多少钱?
How much would you be willing to pay for a hot pot meal?
9. 在选择火锅店时,您最看重哪些因素? 
When choosing a hot pot restaurant, which factors are most important to you?
10. 您是否愿意尝试具有本地化特色的火锅
11. 您对火锅店的服务有哪些期望? (例如:快速上菜、亲切服务、干净卫生等)
What are your expectations for service at a hot pot restaurant? (e.g., fast food delivery, friendly service, cleanliness, etc.)
12. 对于同样的火锅体验,您在价格上的接受范围是?
For the same hot pot experience, what price range are you comfortable with?
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