
您好,这个问卷是用来调查中国nba球迷对nba的品牌忠诚度的统计和调查,这项问卷的数据将不会对您造成任何负面影响。谢谢您的支持。Hello, this questionnaire is used to investigate the statistics and survey of Chinese nba fans' brand loyalty to nba. The data of this questionnaire will not cause any negative impact on you. Thank you for your support。
1. 您的性别 Your gender

您的年龄?What is your age group?


您是否了解NBA以及其主要球队? Do you know about the NBA and its major teams?


您多久关注一次NBA比赛?How often do you follow NBA games?


您购买过带有NBA logo 的产品吗?Have you ever purchased products with the NBA logo (e.g., jerseys, shoes, basketballs)?


在选择购买篮球相关商品时(如球衣、鞋子等),您是否优先考虑NBA品牌?(例如Nike,Jordan,Anta,Lining)?When purchasing basketball-related products, do you prioritize NBA-associated brands (e.g., Nike, Jordan, Anta, Li-Ning)?


如果您喜欢的球星与一个品牌合作联名,您是否会去购买其联名商品(是/否)?If your favorite player collaborates with a brand to release co-branded products, would you buy them?


您购买篮球相关的产品(例如篮球鞋,球衣,篮球),您更看中以下几点:What do you value most when purchasing basketball-related products (e.g., shoes, jerseys, basketballs)?


您有参加过NBA或者篮球品牌(Nike,adidas,Anta,Lining)举办的篮球活动吗?(例如球星中国行,球鞋发售,篮球比赛)?Have you participated in basketball-related events organized by the NBA or basketball brands (e.g., Nike, Adidas, Anta, Li-Ning)?

10. 如果参加过相关活动,您参加过多少次?If you participate in these activities, how many times have you been to?
11. ,如果参加过相关活动,您每次活动大概的开销是多少?If you have participated in related activities, how much did you spend on each activity?
12. 如果NBA球队在您所在的地区开展推广活动,请根据您的意愿从1到10打分 ( 1-非常不愿意,10-非常愿意)。If an NBA team hosted a promotional event in your region, please rate your preference on a scale from 1 to 10 ( 1-very reluctant, 10-very willing)

您支持NBA品牌的原因是什么?有哪些特别吸引您的地方?不支持则无。What are the main reasons you support NBA brands? What specifically attracts you? (If no, then you don’t have to answer)

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