1. 自购买苹果产品以来,您使用苹果售后服务的频率如何?
How often have you used Apple’s after-sales service since purchasing your Apple product?
第一次使用 First time
每年一到两次 Once or twice a year
每几个月一次 Every few months
每月一次 Monthly
更频繁 More frequently
2. 您是通过哪种方式获得苹果售后服务的?
How did you access Apple’s after-sales service?
店内支持 In-store
在线聊天 Online chat
电话支持 Phone support
苹果支持应用 Through the Apple Support app
3. 您如何评价苹果售后服务人员的帮助和知识水平?
How would you rate the helpfulness and knowledge of Apple’s after-sales staff?
非常满意 Very satisfied
满意 Satisfied
一般 Neutral
不满意 Dissatisfied
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied
4. 您对解决问题或完成服务所需时间的满意度如何?
Were you satisfied with the time taken to resolve your issue or complete the service?
非常满意 Very satisfied
满意 Satisfied
一般 Neutral
不满意 Dissatisfied
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied
On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with Apple’s after-sales service.
非常满意 Very satisfied
满意 Satisfied
一般 Neutral
不满意 Dissatisfied
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied
6. 您是否感觉苹果的售后服务随着时间的推移有所改善、下降或保持不变?
Do you feel Apple’s after-sales service has improved, declined, or stayed the same over time?
改善 Improved
下降 Declined
保持不变 Stayed the same
7. 请按重要性对以下因素进行排序,以衡量您对苹果售后服务的满意度:
Rank the following factors in order of importance for your satisfaction with Apple’s after-sales service:
员工知识 Staff knowledge
服务速度 Service speed
服务的可及性 Accessibility of service
问题解决效果 Problem resolution
后续沟通 Follow-up communication
8. 您认为哪种苹果服务渠道最有效?
Which Apple service channel do you find most effective?
店内支持 In-store support
在线聊天 Online chat
电话支持 Phone support
苹果支持应用 Apple Support app
9. 请描述苹果售后服务中让您印象特别深刻的正面或负面方面。
Please describe any specific aspect of Apple’s after-sales service that stood out as particularly positive or negative for you.
What would you suggest Apple could improve in its after-sales service to enhance your satisfaction?