
Fill in the blank or tick (√) the most appropriate option in the respective boxes that best describes you.
1.性别 / Gender
2. 年龄 / Age Group
3.当前就读年级 / Current Year of Study
4.所学专业领域 / Field of Study
请在下列陈述前选择“是 (Yes)”或“否 (No)”来表明您的意见。
In this section, please indicate whether you agree (Yes) or disagree (No) with the following statements:
是 / Yes 否 / No
学校的品牌形象在学术圈内有很高的认可度。 / The brand image of the institution is highly recognized in academic circles. 
学校的声誉对我的学校选择有直接影响。 / The reputation of the institution directly influenced my choice. 
我认为学校的品牌形象有助于提高我的就业机会。 / I believe the brand image of the institution will enhance my employment opportunities. 
学校的品牌形象符合我的个人价值观。 / The institution's brand image aligns with my personal values. 
学校在社交媒体上的品牌形象积极正面。 / The institution has a positive brand image on social media. 
学校品牌形象的提升策略让我感到满意。 / I am satisfied with the institution's brand image enhancement strategies.
学校的品牌在我选择学校时起到了重要作用。 / The institution's brand played a significant role in my choice of college. 
Please indicate your level of agreement using the following 5-point Likert scale:
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意 1
Disagree 不同意 2
Neutral 一般 3
Agree 同意 4
Strongly Agree 非常同意 5
1. Cost / 成本
1 学费和相关费用对我选择学校的决定有很大影响。 / Tuition fees and related costs greatly influenced my decision to choose this institution. 
2 我在选择学校时考虑了生活成本和其他费用。 / I considered the cost of living and other expenses when choosing this institution. 
3 奖学金或助学金对我的学校选择起到了关键作用。 / Scholarships or financial aid played a crucial role in my choice of institution. 
4 我考虑了学校提供的分期付款或贷款计划。 / I considered the installment or loan plans offered by the institution. 
5 我对学校的学费透明度感到满意。 / I am satisfied with the transparency of tuition fees at the institution. 
6 生活费与学校所在城市的消费水平影响了我的选择。 / The cost of living in the city where the institution is located influenced my choice.
2.Attitude / 态度
1 我对学校的整体态度是积极的。 / My overall attitude towards this institution is positive. 
2 我认为这所学校符合我的学术和职业目标。 / I believe this institution aligns with my academic and career goals. 
3 我对学校的课程设置感到满意。 / I am satisfied with the curriculum offered by the institution. 
4 学校的校园文化让我感到舒适。 / The campus culture of the institution makes me feel comfortable. 
5 我对学校的课外活动感到满意。 / I am satisfied with the extracurricular activities offered by the institution. 
6 学校的行政管理和服务让我感到满意。 / I am satisfied with the institution’s administrative services. 
7 我对学校的设施(图书馆、实验室等)感到满意。 / I am satisfied with the institution’s facilities (e.g., library, labs). 
3.Subjective Norm / 主观规范
1 我的家人和朋友对我选择这所学校的决定有重要影响。 / My family and friends have a significant influence on my decision to choose this institution. 
2 社会对这所学校的评价影响了我的选择。 / The social perception of this institution influenced my decision. 
3 我的老师或顾问对我选择学校的决定有重要影响。 / My teachers or advisors significantly influenced my choice of institution. 
4 学校的校友网络对我的选择产生了影响。 / The institution’s alumni network influenced my decision. 
5 我周围的同龄人对这所学校的评价影响了我的决定。 / My peers' opinions of the institution influenced my choice. 
6 媒体对这所学校的报道影响了我的决定。 / Media coverage of the institution influenced my decision. 
7 我选择这所学校的决定得到了家庭的支持。 / My family supported my decision to choose this institution. 
4.Perceived Behavior Control / 感知行为控制
1 我有能力支付这所学校的学费和相关费用。 / I feel capable of affording the tuition fees and related costs of this institution. 
2 我认为自己能适应这所学校的学术和社会环境。 / I believe I can adapt to the academic and social environment of this institution. 
3 我认为自己可以很好地平衡学习和个人生活。 / I believe I can balance my academic and personal life well at this institution. 
4 学校提供的支持服务(如导师、心理咨询)让我感到有能力完成学业。 / The institution’s support services (e.g., mentoring, counseling) make me feel capable of completing my studies. 
5 我能轻松获取学校的资源(如学习材料、导师帮助)。 / I can easily access the institution’s resources (e.g., learning materials, tutoring). 
6 我有能力应对学校的考试和评估系统。 / I feel confident in handling the institution’s exams and assessment systems. 
7 学校的学习节奏和要求符合我的能力水平。 / The academic pace and requirements of the institution match my abilities. 
5.Human Resource Policies / 人力资源政策
1 人力资源政策的传达性。/The human resource polices are well communicated. 
2 人力资源政策有备案/Human Resources policies are systematically documented. 
3 人力资源政策改革的接受程度。/The Human Resource developments policies are accesible. 
4 录用政策和晋升标准/The hiring and promotion criterias are communicated. 
5 可以很好的为教师提供的职业发展机会(如研究、专业发展)。The career development opportunities provided to faculty (e.g., research, professional development) are good. 
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
1 总体来说,我对自己的学校选择感到满意。 / Overall, I am satisfied with my choice of institution. 
2 与其他机构相比,我愿意推荐这所学校。 / I would select this institution compared to others. 
3 我这所学校是我的主要选择。 / This institution is my main choice. 
4 这所学校符合我的兴趣。 / This institution match my interests. 
5 这所学校增强了我选择的意愿。 / This institution’strengthened my desire to choose it. 
6 学校的学术支持服务(对我的选择有帮助。 / The academic support services offered by the institution helped in my decision-making. 
Reasons for Choosing the Institution / 选择学校的原因
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
1 学术声誉是我选择这所学校的主要原因之一。 / Academic reputation is one of the main reasons for my choice of this institution. 
2 学校提供的专业和课程符合我的兴趣。 / The programs and courses offered by the institution match my interests. 
3 学校的教学质量促使我选择了它。 / The quality of education at the institution influenced my decision.
4 校园设施(如图书馆、实验室等)是我选择这所学校的一个重要原因。 / The campus facilities (e.g., libraries, labs) were an important reason for my choice of this institution. 
5 学校的教学方式(如线上课程、课堂讨论)对我的选择产生了影响。 / The teaching methods (e.g., online courses, classroom discussions) influenced my choice of this institution. 
6 学校的研究机会或实习项目是我选择的关键因素。 / The research opportunities or internship programs offered by the institution were key factors in my choice. 
7 学校的校园文化和氛围符合我的偏好。 / The campus culture and environment of the institution matched my preferences. 
Influence of External Factors / 外部因素的影响
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
1 政府政策对我选择这所学校有影响。 / Government policies have influenced my choice of this institution.
2 市场需求和就业机会是我选择这所学校的重要因素。 / Market demand and employment opportunities are important factors in my choice of institution. 
3 学校所在地区的经济发展水平影响了我的选择。 / The economic development of the region where the institution is located influenced my choice. 
4 学校与行业或企业的合作关系促使我选择了它。 / The institution's partnerships with industries or companies influenced my decision. 
5 媒体对学校的报道和评价影响了我的选择。 / Media coverage and reviews of the institution influenced my decision. 
6 学校的国际化程度(如国际学生比例、国际合作)对我的选择有影响。 / The institution's internationalization (e.g., ratio of international students, global partnerships) influenced my choice. 
7 我选择这所学校是因为它对未来市场的适应能力较强。 / I chose this institution because it is well-adapted to future market trends. 
Open-Ended Feedback / 开放式反馈
说明 / Introduction: 在本部分中,我们邀请您分享您的想法和经历。请在以下问题中提供您的详细回答:
In this section, we invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. Please provide detailed responses to the following questions:
个人经历 / Personal Experiences
"Please describe any particular experiences or events that significantly influenced your decision to choose your current institution."
额外的影响因素 / Additional Influential Factors
"Were there any additional factors not covered in the previous sections that played a role in your choice of institution? Please elaborate."
改进建议 / Improvements and Suggestions
"What improvements or changes would you suggest for your institution to make it a more attractive choice for future students?"
结语 / Conclusion
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will provide valuable data for the research.
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