一、Background Information 1. What is your current year of study? A.Primary school B. Junior high school C. Senior high school D. University or above
2. What type of school are you in ? A.public school B.Private school C.International school D.Other (please specify)
二、Awareness and Perception of Environment Education 3.Which day is the World Environment Day? A.June 5th B.March 12th C.I don’t know D.I have never heard of this
4.What does the term “green food” refer to? A.green-colored food B.fruits and vegetables C.safe and pollution-free food D.food rich in nutritional value
5. In your opinion, why is environment education important in New Zealand? A.It promotes sustainability B.It helps protect the unique biodiversity C. It prepares students for environmental careers D. It aligns with Māori values of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) E. Other (please specify)
三、Environment Education Policy 6.Has your school implemented the School Real Estate Environmental Action Plan? A.Implement widely B.Implement moderately C.Restricted implementation D.Not at all E.I don't know
7.What features does the environment education policy have in New Zealand? (Select all that apply) A.cross-disciplinary teaching B.Practical-oriented C.Community involvement D.Concept of sustainable development in education
8.Are you familiar with Green Schools Programme? A.Very familiar B.Somewhat familiar C.Not familiar at all
四、Curriculum and Learning Experiences 9.Which means do you use to obtain ecology knowledge A.classroom B.household C.television D.newspaper E.Other (please specify)
10. Have you participated in any of the following programs or initiatives? (Select all that apply) A. Enviroschools B.Te Aho Tū Roa C.BLAKE Inspire D.Science Learning Hub E.Department of Conservation education programs F.Other (please specify)
11. How often have you participated in outdoor education activity within a week? A.Once a week B.Twice a week C.Three times a week D.More
12. Which of the following topics have been covered in your environment education? (Select all that apply) A. Climate change B. Biodiversity and conservation C. Sustainable development D. Resource management E. Waste management and recycling F. Indigenous perspectives on the environment
13.Does your school have specialized teaching materials of environment education? A.It exists and is rich in content B.It exists and is simple in content C.It exists but as supplementary materials D.It doesn’t have
五、Teaching Methods and Resources 14. What teaching methods have been most effective in your environment education? A. Lectures B. Field trips C. Project-based learning D. Interactive workshops E. Online resources and modules F. Other (please specify)
15. What additional resources or tools would you like to see in environment education programs? A. More field trip opportunities B. Access to scientific data and tools C. Collaboration with environmental organizations D. Guest lectures from industry professionals E. Multimedia resources (videos, simulations, etc.)
16.Do school lack specialized teachers responsible for environment education? A.Yes,lack seriously B.Yes,lack slightly C.Basically meet the needs D.No,teachers are professional
17.What factors will affect your interest in study of environment civilization? A.Interesting teaching content B.Teacher’s teaching method C.The abundance of teaching materials D.The evaluation means of leaning outcomes
六、Personal Engagement and Action 18.Do you use both sides of a piece of the paper? A.definitely B.never C.not necessarily
19.Have you ever had the behaviour of spitting indiscriminately or littering? A.never B.often C.occasionally D.No
20. In what ways do you think schools can encourage students to apply environment education in their daily lives? A. Environmental clubs and organizations B. Sustainable campus initiatives C. Community outreach programs D. Incorporating environmental actions into assessment criteria E. Other (please specify)
七、Feedback and Suggestions 21.What are the strengths of the environment education you have experienced? A. Relevant content of Māori culture B. Skilled and knowledgeable educators C. Effective use of resources and technology D. Opportunities for hands-on learning E. Other (please specify)
22. What improvements would you suggest for environment education in New Zealand schools? A. More emphasis on sustainability and climate change B. Greater inclusion of Māori and Pasifika perspectives C. Increased focus on outdoor and experiential learning D. Development of more comprehensive curriculum resources E. Other (please specify)
24.Any additional comments or thoughts on environment education in New Zealand?(Please provide your comments here)