Jordan Travel Experience Survey
Dear Traveler, thank you for choosing Jordan as your travel destination! To help us better understand your experience and optimize our services, please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
1. our gender: Male Female Other
2. Your age group: 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
3. Which country are you from?
4. Travel Experience 1. How did you learn about Jordan as a travel destination? Travel agency Recommendation from a friend Online search Social media Other (please specify):
5. What was the duration of your trip in Jordan? Less than a week 1-2 weeks More than 2 weeks
6. What were your favorite attractions or activities during your trip?(multiple choices allowed) Petra Wadi Rum Desert Dead Sea Cultural experiences in Amman Desert adventure activities Camping activities Other (please specify):
7. Did you feel safe during your travels in Jordan?
Very safe Relatively safe Average Not very safe Very unsafe
8. What factors influenced your perception of safety?(multiple choices allowed) Local security Insufficient guidance or service personnel News about regional conflicts or wars Safety warnings and signs Other (please specify):
9. What measures do you think we could take to enhance your sense of safety for future travels?
10. Feedback and Application 1. How do you suggest we optimize your experience in camps or tourism services? Improve cleanliness Enhance food service Increase cultural interaction activities Strengthen ecological protection measures Other (please specify):
11. Service Optimization and Feedback Application 1. What elements do you think we should add to our future tourism products? More adventure outdoor activities In-depth local cultural experiences Other (please specify):
12. Do you have any suggestions for improving our services?