对于奢侈行李箱的潜在用户画像调查 ( Potential Customer Profile Survey for Luxury Luggage)【复制】【复制】【复制】

(The results were collected anonymously, while no information about you will be given to anyone.)
Note: The above results were collected anonymously, while no information about you will be given to anyone, the data will only be used as part of my personal disseration. Firstly I need to get your consent, if you agree with my collection, please select yes and continue with your answer.
2. 您的年龄区间是?(What is your age range?)
3. 您的性别是?(What is your gender?)
4. 您目前的职位是?(What is your current occupation?)
5. 您目前居住在几线城市?(Which Tier city you base in?)
6. 您每年大概出行几次?(How many times do you travel each year?)
7. 您出行的主要目的是?(What is the main purpose of your trip?)
8. 在您出行时,通常带多少件行李?(How many pieces of luggage do you carry when travelling?)
9. 在选择行李箱时,你主要关注什么?(What do you focus on when choosing luggage?)(Select Multiple)
10. 当准备购买奢侈品行李箱,您考虑什么因素?(When purchasing a luxury suitcase, what fators do you consider?)(Select Multiple)
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