
Questionnaire on the Influence of Xiaohongshu and WeChat on Cultural Communication and Social Relations in Chinese Society

谢谢你! !

Dear Friends,
Hello! I am a student from the University of Manchester conducting a study on the impact of Xiaohongshu and WeChat on social and cultural exchanges and social relations in China. I am inviting you to participate in this research. Your participation is crucial to this study! Thank you!

Purpose of the Study:
This study aims to explore the role of Xiaohongshu and WeChat in Chinese society and understand their impact on cultural communication and social relations. Through your participation, I hope to gain deeper insights into the roles and significance of these two platforms in Chinese society.

How to Participate:
Participating in this survey is very simple and will only take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your responses will help us better understand the impact of Xiaohongshu and WeChat in Chinese society and provide valuable insights and data for my research.

This questionnaire aims to understand the social behaviors, cultural exchanges, and social relations of users on Xiaohongshu and WeChat. Your responses will help me better understand the impact of these platforms on Chinese society. Your participation will be kept confidential, and your personal information will not be disclosed to any third party. I will strictly adhere to data protection regulations and take all necessary measures to protect your privacy, which will be used solely for research purposes.

Thank you!
Part 1: Basic Information (第一部分:基本信息)

Gender 您的性别

2. Age 您的年龄段

Education Level  您的学历


Occupation  您的职业

Part 2: Social Media Usage (第二部分:社交媒体使用情况)

5. How much time do you spend on WeChat per day? (您每天在微信上花费多少时间?)
6. How much time do you spend on Xiaohongshu per day?  您每天在小红书上花费多少时间?
7. What are your main activities on WeChat? (Select all that apply)  您在微信上的主要活动是什么?(可多选)
8. What are your main activities on Xiaohongshu? (Select all that apply)  您在小红书上的主要活动是什么?(可多选)
Part 3: Cultural Communication (第三:文化传播)
9. How often do you share cultural content on WeChat? (e.g., traditional festivals, cultural events, local customs, historical sites, art exhibitions, etc.) 您在微信上分享文化相关内容的频率如何?(例如:传统节日、文化活动、地方风俗、历史遗址、艺术展览等)
10. How often do you share cultural content on Xiaohongshu? (e.g., traditional festivals, cultural events, local customs, historical sites, art exhibitions, etc.) 您在小红书上分享文化相关内容的频率如何?(例如:传统节日、文化活动、地方风俗、历史遗址、艺术展览等)
11. When you use WeChat or Xiaohongshu for cultural communication, what types of content do you prefer to share? 在您使用微信或小红书进行文化交流时,您更倾向于分享哪些类型的内容?
12. To what extent do you agree that WeChat helps in promoting cultural understanding? 您在多大程度上同意微信有助于促进中国社会的文化理解?
13. To what extent do you agree that Xiaohongshu helps in promoting cultural understanding? 您在多大程度上同意小红书有助于促进中国社会的文化理解?
14. Have you learned about other cultures through WeChat? 您是否通过微信了解了其他地方的文化?
15. Have you learned about other cultures through Xiaohongshu? 您是否通过小红书了解了其他地方的文化?
16. Has your view of other cultures changed through WeChat? 您对其他文化的看法是否通过微信发生了变化?
17. Has your view of other cultures changed through Xiaohongshu? 您对其他文化的看法是否通过小红书发生了变化?
Part 4: Social Relations (第四部分:社交关系)
18. How has WeChat affected your relationship with family and close friends? (e.g., staying in touch more often, feeling more distant, no change)  微信如何影响您与家人和亲密朋友的关系?(例如:更频繁地保持联系、感觉更疏远、没有变化)
19. How has Xiaohongshu affected your relationship with family and close friends? (e.g., staying in touch more often, feeling more distant, no change)  小红书如何影响您与家人和亲密朋友的关系?(例如:更频繁地保持联系、感觉更疏远、没有变化)
20. Have you made new friends through WeChat? 您是否通过微信结交了新的朋友?
21. Have you made new friends through Xiaohongshu? 您是否通过小红书结交了新的朋友?
22. Have you formed professional relationships through WeChat?(e.g., colleagues, business partners) 您是否通过微信建立了专业关系?(例如:同事、商业伙伴)
23. Have you formed professional relationships through Xiaohongshu?(e.g., colleagues, business partners) 您是否通过小红书建立了专业关系?(例如:同事、商业伙伴)
24. How do you perceive the differences between online and face-to-face social interactions?您如何看待在线社交和面对面社交之间的差异?
25. In your daily life, do you prefer to establish and maintain relationships through online channels or face-to-face communication? 在您的日常生活中,您更倾向于通过在线渠道还是面对面交流来建立和维护关系?

Part 5: Cross-cultural Relationships and Travel Sharing(第五部分:跨国人际关系和旅行分享)

26. Have you ever maintained an international social relationship through social media? (e.g., a romantic partner from another country, work contacts, or friends with different cultural backgrounds)/您是否通过社交媒体维持过一段跨国社交关系?(例如,异国的恋人、工作或朋友等之间不同文化背景的联系)
27. If yes, how effective has social media been in maintaining this relationship? /如果是,社交媒体在维持这段关系中的效果如何?
28. In your international relationships, how much do you think cultural differences affect relationships? 在您的跨国人际关系中,您认为文化差异对关系的影响有多大?
29. What challenges have you faced in international relationships and how have you dealt with them? 您在跨国人际关系中面临过哪些挑战,以及您是如何应对的?
30. How often do you share your travel experiences on social media? /您分享旅行经历的频率如何?

How has sharing travel experiences on social media affected your social connections? 当您在社交媒体上分享旅行经历时,这种行为如何影响了您与朋友、家人和其他社交圈子的关系?

Part 6: Feedback and Suggestions (第六部分:意见反馈)

32. Do you think the degree of commercialization of WeChat and Xiaohongshu has affected the quality of their cultural communication and social relationships? 您是否认为微信和小红书的商业化程度影响了其在文化传播和社交关系中的质量?
33. When considering your social circle, what specific challenges do you see for WeChat and Xiaohongshu in promoting cultural understanding and intercultural communication? 当考虑您的社交圈内,微信和小红书在促进文化理解和跨文化交流方面,您认为存在哪些具体的挑战?
34. How would you rate the effectiveness of WeChat in cultural communication and social relations? 您如何评价微信在文化传播和社交关系中的有效性?
35. How would you rate the effectiveness of Xiaohongshu in cultural communication and social relations? 您如何评价小红书在文化传播和社交关系中的有效性?
36. What suggestions do you have for improving WeChat and Xiaohongshu in terms of cultural communication and social relations? (For example: promoting cultural diversity, increasing cultural understanding, facilitating meaningful interactions, addressing platform challenges, and more)您对改进微信和小红书在文化传播和社交关系方面有什么想法或者建议?例如:促进文化多样性,增进文化理解,促进有意义的互动,解决平台挑战等等  
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey! Your feedback is invaluable to my research. Thank you!
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