
Survey on the activities of health education, knowledge management practices, and community innovation of general                                                                     practitioners in China.


Part I. Profile of the Respondents


Please review the Background Information that matches your details. Please place a check mark in the box that corresponds to your response.

1. 您的年龄段:Age:
2. 您的性别:Sex:
3. 您的专业资格:Professional Qualifications:
4. 您的工作经验:Years working as a general practitioner:

第二部分  健康教育行动

Part II. Health Education Activities


The following table is about your survey of Health Management and Education. Read the entry and type "✓" on the number that best matches your answer. You can only choose one answer to each question. Please do not choose more than one answer. 

5. 全科医生在常规临床咨询期间提供健康教育。

General practitioners provide health education during routine clinical consultations.

6. 全科医生在儿童接种疫苗期间提供健康指导。

General practitioners offer health guidance during child vaccinations.

7. 全科医生在妇幼保健期间进行健康教育。

General practitioners conduct health education during maternal and child health care.

General practitioners emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle in chronic disease management.
9. 全科医生在戒烟咨询中提供有效的健康教育。

General practitioners provide effective health education in smoking cessation counseling.

10. 全科医生在营养咨询中提供个性化的饮食建议。

General practitioners give personalized dietary advice in nutrition consultations.

11. 全科医生鼓励居民在运动指导期间进行体育活动

General practitioners encourage residents to engage in physical activities during exercise guidance.

12. 全科医生在心理健康咨询期间提供压力管理技术。

General practitioners provide stress management techniques during mental health consultations.

13. 全科医生强调了正确用药在药物管理中的重要性。

General practitioners highlight the importance of proper medication use in medication management.

14. 全科医生在疾病筛查期间提供预防性健康教育。

General practitioners provide preventive health education during disease screenings.

15. 全科医生在老年健康检查期间进行健康教育。

General practitioners conduct health education during senior health check-ups.

16. 全科医生在社区健康讲座中提供疾病预防知识。

General practitioners provide disease prevention knowledge in community health lectures.

17. 全科医生在社区健康促进活动中提供健康咨询。

General practitioners offer health consultations at community health promotion events.

18. 全科医生强调在社区健康筛查期间定期进行健康检查的重要性。

General practitioners emphasize  the importance of regular health check-ups during community health screenings.

19. 全科医生在社区健康教育中提倡健康的生活方式。

General practitioners promote a healthy lifestyle in community health education.

20. 全科医生鼓励居民参与社区活动中的健康促进项目。

General practitioners encourage residents to participate in health promotion projects in community activities.



General practitioners provide health risk assessments in community health projects.

General practitioners emphasize the importance of mental health in their community visits.
General practitioners offer first aid knowledge training in community health education.
24. 全科医生在社区健康教育中提倡合理用药。

General practitioners promote rational medication use in community health education.

25. 全科医生在公共卫生事件期间提供及时的健康教育。

General practitioners provide timely health education during public health events.

26. 全科医生开展预防季节性疾病的健康教育。

General practitioners conduct health education for the prevention of seasonal diseases.

27. 全科医生在卫生政策推广中提供政策解释。

General practitioners offer policy interpretation in health policy promotion.

28. 全科医生为卫生政策的实施提供专业指导。

General practitioners provide professional guidance in the implementation of health policies.

29. 全科医生在卫生政策评估中提供居民反馈。

General practitioners provide resident feedback in health policy evaluation.

30. 全科医生在卫生政策制定中提供基于实践的建议。

General practitioners offer practice-based suggestions in health policy formulation.

31. 全科医生在卫生政策改革中进行社区需求分析。

General practitioners conduct  community needs analysis in health policy reform.

32. 全科医生提供卫生政策宣传教育材料。

General practitioners offer educational materials in health policy promotion.

33. 全科医生监测卫生政策执行中的政策有效性。

General practitioners monitor policy effectiveness in the execution of health policies.

General practitioners provide the latest health information in health policy updates.
Part III. Knowledge Management Practices

The following table is about your Knowledge Management Practices of Personnel. Read the entry and type "✓" on the number that best matches your answer. You can only choose one answer to each question. Please do not choose more than one answer. 

35. 我的组织鼓励创新思维和实践:

My organization encourages innovative thinking and practices:

36. 创新被视为组织发展的重要组成部分:

Innovation is regarded as an important component of organizational development:

37. 创新活动得到组织的资源和支持:

Innovative activities receive resources and support from the organization:

38. 创新成果得到认可和推广:

Innovative outcomes are recognized and promoted

39. 创新文化有助于提高组织的整体竞争力:

An innovative culture contributes to enhancing the overall competitiveness of the organization

40. 我的组织积极采用新技术来提高服务质量:

My organization actively adopts new technologies to improve service quality:

41. 新技术的应用提高了工作效率:

The application of new technologies enhances work efficiency

42. 我的组织为新技术提供足够的培训和支持:

My organization provides sufficient training and support for new technologies:

43. 技术应用有助于解决复杂的工作问题:

Technological applications help in addressing complex work issues

44. 我对组织中的技术应用感到满意:

I am satisfied with the technological applications in my organization:

45. 我的组织定期审查和改进服务流程:

My organization regularly reviews and improves service processes:

46. 服务改进活动基于客户反馈和需求:

Service improvement activities are based on customer feedback and demands:

47. 服务改进有助于提高客户满意度:

Service improvements contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction:

48. 服务改进活动得到所有工作人员的参与和支持:

Service improvement activities receive participation and support from all staff members:

49. 我对服务改进的有效性感到满意:

I am satisfied with the effectiveness of service improvements:

50. 我的组织重视团队合作和协作精神:

My organization values teamwork and spirit of collaboration:

51. 团队协作协助解决跨部门问题:

Team collaboration assists in resolving inter-departmental issues:

52. 团队协作促进知识和经验的共享:

Team collaboration promotes the sharing of knowledge and experiences:

Team collaboration enhances the overall efficiency of work:
54. 我为团队合作的成果感到骄傲:

I take pride in the outcomes of team collaboration:

55. 我的组织有一种持续改进的文化和机制:

My organization has a culture and mechanism of continuous improvement:

56. 持续改进活动有助于提高服务质量:

Continuous improvement activities help in enhancing service quality:

57. 持续改进活动鼓励员工参与并做出贡献:

Continuous improvement activities encourage employee participation and contributions:

58. 持续改进成果对组织发展的积极影响:

The positive impact of continuous improvement outcomes on organizational development:

59. 我对组织中的持续改进活动感到满意:

I am satisfied with the continuous improvement activities in the organization:


Part IV. Community Innovation


The following table is about your survey of Community Interaction and Collaboration. Read the entry and type "✓" on the number that best matches your answer. You can only choose one answer to each question. Please do not choose more than one answer.

60. 全科医生与社区卫生中心有良好的工作关系:

General practitioners have a good working relationship with community health centers:

61. 全科医生在社区健康教育管理方面与医院密切合作:

General practitioners closely collaborate with hospitals in community health education management:



General practitioners partner with educational institutions to jointly promote health education programs:
63. 全科医生与非政府组织合作,加强社区健康教育的影响:

General practitioners collaborate with non-governmental organizations to enhance the impact of community health education:

64. 全科医生与政府部门合作,获得政策和资金支持:

General practitioners cooperate with government departments to access policy and funding support:

65. 全科医生与社区内的志愿组织合作,开展健康促进活动:

General practitioners work with volunteer organizations within the community to conduct health promotion activities:

66. 全科医生与社区内的商业实体合作,以获得额外的资源和支持:
General practitioners collaborate with commercial entities within the community to acquire additional resources and support:
67. 全科医生与社区内的媒体组织合作,扩大健康教育的覆盖面:

General practitioners partner with media organizations within the community to expand the coverage of health education:

68. 全科医生与社区内的研究机构合作,介绍最新的健康研究结果:

General practitioners collaborate with research institutions within the community to introduce the latest health research findings:

69. 全科医生与社区内的其他卫生专业人员合作,提供全面的卫生服务:

General practitioners cooperate with other health professionals within the community to provide comprehensive health services:

70. 全科医生与社区居民进行有效的面对面咨询:

General practitioners engage in effective face-to-face consultations with community residents:

71. 全科医生通过电话咨询为社区居民提供便捷的健康指导:

General practitioners provide convenient health guidance to community residents through telephone consultations:

72. 全科医生通过在线平台与社区居民实时互动:

General practitioners have real-time interactions with community residents through online platforms:

73. 全科医生通过社区健康讲座与居民分享健康知识:

General practitioners share health knowledge with residents through community health lectures:

74. 全科医生与社区居民进行讨论,共同探讨健康问题:

General practitioners engage in discussions with community residents to explore health issues together:

75. 全科医生通过社区健康检查活动与居民互动:

General practitioners interact with residents through community health check-up activities:

76. 全科医生通过参与社区活动与居民建立联系和信任:

General practitioners establish connections and trust with residents by participating in community events:

77. 全科医生通过健康教育讲习班与居民进行深入交流:

General practitioners engage in in-depth communication with residents through health education workshops:

78. 全科医生通过社区健康展览与居民互动,展示健康信息:

General practitioners interact with residents through community health exhibitions to display health information:

79. 全科医生通过社区健康咨询服务回答居民的疑问:

General practitioners answer residents' queries through community health counseling services:

80. 全科医生和社区之间的合作显著提高了居民的健康知识水平:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community significantly improves residents' health knowledge levels:

81. 全科医生和社区之间的合作有效地促进了居民健康行为的变化:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community effectively promotes changes in residents' health behaviors:

82. 全科医生与社区的合作在疾病预防方面取得了显著成果:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community has achieved significant results in disease prevention:

83. 全科医生与社区的成功合作提高了居民的健康意识:

Successful collaboration between general practitioners and the community enhances residents' health awareness:

84. 全科医生和社区之间的合作在慢性病管理方面取得了积极进展:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community has made positive progress in chronic disease management:

85. 全科医生和社区之间的合作增强了居民对卫生政策的理解和支持:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community enhances residents' understanding and support for health policies:

86. 全科医生和社区之间的合作在应对突发公共卫生事件中发挥着重要作用:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community plays an important role in responding to public health emergencies:

87. 全科医生和社区之间的合作提高了社区卫生服务的可及性和质量:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community enhances the accessibility and quality of community health services:

88. 全科医生与社区的合作为居民提供更个性化的健康服务:

Collaboration between general practitioners and the community provides residents with more personalized health services:

89. 全科医生与社区合作的成功案例在其他社区得到复制和应用:

Successful cases of collaboration between general practitioners and the community are replicated and applied in other communities:

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