护士工作压力源量表(Nurse job Stressors scale)

工作压力測量量表采用李小妹,刘彦君(2000)编制的中国护士工作压力量表,该量表采用1-4级评分法,获得的分数越高则表示对工作的压力就越高,相反,获得的分数越低則表示对工作的压力就越低。(The working stress scale of Chinese nurses was compiled by Li Xiaomei and Liu Yanjun (2000), which adopted the 1-4 scoring method. The higher the score was, the higher the pressure on work would be; on the contrary, the lower the score was, the lower the pressure on work would be.)
1.护理工作的社会地位太低(The social status of nursing work is too low.)
2.继续深造的机会太少(There are too few opportunities for further studies.)
3.工资及其他福利待遇低(The wages and other benefits are low.)
4.晋升机会太少(The opportunities for promotion are too few.)
5.经常倒班(Frequent shifts. )
6.工作中的独立性少(The independence of work is low.)
7.工作分工不明确(The division of work is not clear.)
8.工作量太大(The workload is too large.)
9.上班的护士数量太少(The number of nurses at work is small.)
10.没有时间对病人实施心理护理(There is no time to provide psychological care to patients.)
11.非护理型的工作太多(There are too many non-nursing tasks.)
12.无用的书面工作太多(Too much useless paperwork.)
13.工作环境差(Poor working environment.)
14.工作中所需的仪器设备不足(Insufficient equipment required at work.)
15.病区拥挤(The ward is crowded.)
16.担心工作中出现差错事故(Worry about making mistakes at work)
17.护理工作未被患者及家属承认(The nurse’s work is not recognized by the patient and family members.)
18.护理的患者病情过重(The patient being nursed is too sick.)
19.患者的家属不礼貌(The patient’s family member Impolite.)
20.患者的要求太高或太过分(The patient's request is too high or too much.)
21.患者不礼貌(The patient is impolite.)
22.患者不合作The patient is not cooperative.)
23.所学的知识不能满足患者及家属的心理需求(The knowledge learned can not meet the psychological needs of patients and their families.)
24.缺乏患者教育的有关知识(Lack of relevant knowledge for patient education.)
25.担心护理操作会引起患者的疼痛(Worried that nursing operations will cause patient pain.)
26.担心护理的患者会突然死亡(The patient being nursed suddenly dies.)
27.缺乏其他卫生工作人员的理解和尊重(Lack of the understanding and respect of other health workers.)
28.护理管理者的理解和支持不够(Lack of understanding and support from nursing managers)
29.护理管理者的批评太多(There has been too much criticism from nursing managers)
30.医生对护理工作过分挑剔(Doctors are picky about nursing)
31.同事之间缺乏理解和支持(Lack of understanding and support among colleagues)
32.与护理管理者发生冲突(Conflict with the care manager)
33.与病区的某些护士工作很难(Working with some of the nurses in the ward was difficult)
34.与医生发生冲突(Conflict with a doctor)
35.同事之间缺乏友好合作的气氛(There is a lack of friendly and cooperative atmosphere among colleagues.)
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