
Dear students,
Hello! In order to fully understand the situation of design thinking guiding daily learning behavior, an online questionnaire survey was conducted among students. We would like to thank you very much for participating in this academic survey activity as a student representative.
Please kindly provide your views and opinions, and hope to get your support. This questionnaire is a scale question, please select ○ in the corresponding situation. In this survey, you must select each statement according to your own situation (From ① to ⑤ are: completely inconsistent, not very consistent, uncertain, more consistent, completely consistent).
This survey is anonymous and the data collected is for academic purposes only. We would be honored to have your thoughts. Thanks!
1. 您的性别:
Your gender:
2. 您的年龄:
Your age:
3. 您的年级:
Your grade:
4. 您的专业:
Your major:
5. 我对未知的事物感到适应
I feel comfortable with what is unknown.
6. 比起我熟悉的环境我更喜欢新的环境
I prefer new contexts to familiar ones.
7. 我很乐意处理我无法解决的问题
I am comfortable dealing with problems that I cannot solve yet.
8. 尽管最终解决方案没有达到期望,我依然很享受
I enjoy when a solution does not result in what I expect.
9. 我并不担心我最终是否能成功解决所有问题
I do not worry while solving problems that I do not know if it will be successful.
10. 我喜欢冒险,尽管它会导致我犯错误
I like taking many chances, even if it leads me to make mistakes.
11. 我积极地让用户参与设计过程的不同阶段
I actively involve users in diverse phases of the design process.
12. 在确定解决方案的方向时,人是灵感的源泉
People are a source of inspiration while identifying the direction of the design solution.
13. 在设计过程中,我尽量了解用户的需求
During the design process, I try to understand what users need.
14. 我可以快速直观地了解用户的感受
I can tune into how users feel rapidly and intuitively.
15. 对他人的想法我感同身受
I easily empathize with the concerns of other people.
16. 我能够意识到自己处于设计过程的发散阶段还是收敛阶段
I am able to recognize when I am in a divergent or convergent phase of the process.
17. 我能够理解所提出的解决方案可能对外部环境产生的影响
I am able to understand what the impacts on the external environment of the proposed solution might be.
18. 我乐意与队友分享我的知识
I am comfortable to share my knowledge with my teammates.
19. 我认为在一个团队中,成员最好有不同的能力
I think in a team it is preferable to have different competences.
20. 我很乐意与持不同观点的人一起工作
I am comfortable to work with people having diverse perspectives from mine.
21. 我很乐意在听取别人的意见后改变自己的想法
I am comfortable to change my original opinions after listening to others.
22. 我乐于与不同背景的人合作
I am open to collaborating with people having different backgrounds.
23. 我乐于将想法转化为有形的东西
I am comfortable transforming ideas into something tangible.
24. 我喜欢将假设转化为可以检验的东西
I like transforming a hypothesis into something to be tested.
25. 我经常对我不知道的事情感到好奇,并试图找到答案
I am often curious about what I do not know and try to find answers.
26. 在新环境下,我通常会尽可能多地搜集信息
In new situations, I generally seek as much information as I can.
27. 我可以预见设计同种东西的不同结果
I can foresee different outcomes of designing the same thing.
28. 我很乐意使用原型来表示新想法
I am comfortable to use prototypes to represent new ideas.
29. 我认为我可以用我的创造力来解决复杂的问题
I think I can use my creativity to solve complicated problems.
30. 我相信我可以解决需要创造力的问题
I am sure I can solve problems requiring creativity.
31. 我相信我有创造性地解决问题的能力
I believe in my ability to creatively solve a problem.
32. 我希望通过设计新产品来创造有价值的东西
I desire to create valuable things by designing new products.
33. 我认为我可以通过发挥创造力来克服困难
I think I can overcome difficulties by using creativity.
34. 我可以将问题或危机视为机遇
I can see problems or crises as opportunities.
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