
1. What's your gender?(您的性别是? )
2. What’s your major?(你的专业是?)
3. What’s your grade?(你的年级是?)
4. Do you know anything about depression?(您了解抑郁症吗?)
5. How do you know about depression?(您对抑郁症的了解途径?)
6. Can you tell the difference between depression and ordinary depression? (您能区别抑郁症和普通的抑郁情绪吗?)
7. Do you know anyone who suffers from depression or has a history of depression?(您身边是否有患抑郁症或者有抑郁症病史的人?)
8. What causes depression do you think?(您认为什么可以成为抑郁症的病因?)(多选)
9. Which of the following cases do you think might be symptoms of depression?(您认为以下哪些情况可能会患上抑郁症的症状?)(多选)
10. Which of the following situations do you think is an effective way to treat depression?(您觉得以下几种哪几种是对治疗抑郁症有效的方法?)(多选)
11. How much do you think depression affects patients?(您认为抑郁症对患者的影响程度是?)
12. How far do you think depression is from daily life?(您认为抑郁症与日常生活间的距离是?)
13. What is your attitude towards patients with depression?(请问您对抑郁症患者持有的态度是?)
14. How often do you feel disappointed with yourself?(您对自己感到失望的频率是多少?)
15. Will you cry for a long time because of a sad thing?(您是否会因为一件伤心的事哭泣很久?)
16. Are you easily irritated by others?(您是否容易被别人激怒?)
17. Do you often feel exhausted?(您是否经常感觉疲倦?)
18. Do you feel sad for no reason?(您是否会莫名其妙难过?)
19. Have you had any of the following symptoms recently?(您最近有无以下症状?)(多选)
20. Have you ever suspected that you are suffering from depression?(您是否曾怀疑自己患上抑郁症?)
21. If you suffer from depression, will you seek help from others?(如果您患上抑郁症,您会因此主动寻求他人帮助吗?)
22. What would you do if you were depressed? (当情绪低落时,您会怎么做?)
23. Would you like to spend time with your depressed friends?(您愿意花时间去陪伴抑郁症的朋友吗?)
24. What age do you think is the most vulnerable to depression?(您认为那个年龄段最容易患上抑郁症?)
25. Do you think depression is a disease?(你认为抑郁症是一种疾病吗?)
26. Would you be ashamed if you were depressed yourself?(如果你还是抑郁症,你会觉得自己丢人吗?)
27. Do you think which are the risk behaviors caused by depression?(你认为抑郁症引发的危险行为有哪些?)(多选)
28. Have you ever been in contact with people with depression?(你是否接触过抑郁症患者?)
29. What types of people do you think are prone to depression?(你认为哪些类型的人容易产生抑郁倾向?)(多选)
30. How do you think to let more people know about depression?(你认为如何让更多人了解抑郁症?)(多选)
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