
Part A:the collection of personal information is only for the analysis of descriptive statistics.


1. Gender您的性别:
2. Born Year出生年份:
3. Marital Status婚姻状态:
4. Education Level教育水平:
5. Job Position职位;
6. Work Experience工作经验:

Part B: Factors that influence employee retentionThe following statements are relevant factors that influence retention intention.Please use the following scale to select the answer that best reflects your opinion on the statement.(1 means strongly disagree, 2 means disagree, 3 means neutral, 4 means agree, 5 means strongly agree)


Personal Dimensions


7. I am well-aware of my role in the company.我非常清楚自己在公司中的角色。
8. I always remain cheerful even though I am tired at work.虽然我工作很累,但我总是保持愉快的心情。
9. I act professionally during my working hour.我在工作时间表现得很专业。
10. I am able to manage my job stress.我能应付工作压力。
11. I do not let my personal emotion influence my job performance.我不会让个人情绪影响我的工作表现。

Labor attitude 


12. I am satisfied with my choice of work.我对自己选择的工作很满意。
13. I am satisfied with what I am getting paid for.我对我得到的报酬很满意。
14. I respect my colleagues regardless of their ages.我尊重我的同事,不管他们的年龄。
15. I believe there is no gender bias in the workplace.我相信工作场所不存在性别偏见。
16. I am willing to commit myself to meet my employer’s expectation.我愿意为达到雇主的期望而努力。

Work-life balance 


17. The company assigned manageable workload for employees.公司给员工分配了可管理的工作量。
18. The company allow using telecommuting to work from home or outside of my central workplace.公司允许我在家或在中心办公地点以外的地方使用远程办公。
19. The company allow me to take time-off for personal issue.公司允许我请假处理私人事务。
20. The company provide supports (e.g. medical claim) for the family members.公司为家属提供支持(如医疗索赔)。
21. The company exercise “work-life balance” policy by providing additional benefits.公司通过提供额外福利来实行“工作与生活平衡”的政策。

Organizational strategy 


22. The company provide trainings to improve my job performance.公司提供培训以提高我的工作表现。
23. The company provide opportunity for my carrier growth in the company.公司为我提供了在公司成长的机会。
24. The company give rewards, remuneration, and recognition for my job performance.公司对我的工作表现给予奖励、报酬和认可。
25. The company shares its vision, achievements and future plan to the employees.公司与员工分享公司的愿景、成就和未来计划。
26. The company recruit and select future employees carefully.公司对未来员工的招聘和选择都很仔细。

Part C: Employee Satisfaction and Employee Retention IntentionPlease circle the answer that best reflects your opinion on your satisfaction with your company and your retention intention.(1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree)


27. I feel the company provides adequate support in managing stress and maintaining mental health我觉得公司在管理压力和保持心理健康方面提供了充分的支持。
28. I would like to recommend this company as an employer to my relatives and friends.我愿意向我的亲友推本公司作为工作单位。
29. I collaborate and communicate well with my colleagues.
30. I think work can bring me a sense of purpose and accomplishment.我觉得工作能给我带来使命感和成就感。
31. I am satisfied with my present salary and compensation package.我对目前的薪水和待遇很满意。

Rentention Intention


32. I am not looking for a job in another organization.我没有在寻找其他工作。
33. I like the job that assigned by the company.我喜欢公司分配给我的工作。
34. If I leave the company now, I am afraid that there will be no other better opportunity for me to choose.如果现在离开公司,我担心没有其他更好的机会供我选择。
35. I can see a future of myself within this company.我能在这家公司看到自己的未来。
36. I never thought about quitting.我从未想过来离职。
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