2023校内赛队伍报名(王者荣耀)/Team registration for the 2023 XJTLU E-Sports In-School Competition(King of Glory)

本次报名于11月21日23:59截止,比赛将于11月22日开始,可以报名多个项目,比赛暂定日程为11.22日开始每周三13:00-22:00以及每周周末两天全天.请安排好时间。若此项目队伍总数少于8支则取消此项目。/Registration ends at 23:59 on November 21st. The competition will start on November 22nd. You can register for multiple projects, andthe tentative schedule of the competition is 13:00-22:00 every Wednesday starting from November 22nd and two whole days every weekend, so please arrange your time.If the total number of teams in this project is less than 8, the project will be cancelled.
队名/Team ID: *
队长/Captain: 姓名/Name:*  学生ID/Student ID:*  微信/Wechat:* 手机号/Phone number: * 西浦邮箱/XJTLU e-mail: *
队员1/Member1: 姓名/Name:*  学生ID/Student ID:*  微信/Wechat:* 手机号/Phone number: * 西浦邮箱/XJTLU e-mail: *
队员2/Member2: 姓名/Name:*  学生ID/Student ID:*  微信/Wechat:* 手机号/Phone number: * 西浦邮箱/XJTLU e-mail: *
队员3/Member3: 姓名/Name:*  学生ID/Student ID:*  微信/Wechat:* 手机号/Phone number: * 西浦邮箱/XJTLU e-mail: *
队员4/Member4: 姓名/Name:*  学生ID/Student ID:*  微信/Wechat:* 手机号/Phone number: * 西浦邮箱/XJTLU e-mail: *
队员5/Member5: 姓名/Name:  学生ID/Student ID:  微信/Wechat: 手机号/Phone number: 西浦邮箱/XJTLU e-mail:
1. 比赛赛制:

i. 报名阶段:所有报名的支队伍进入小组循环赛阶段,每支队伍至少5人,最多6人,队伍成员至少包含一名电竞社社员。若此项目队伍总数少于8支则取消此项目。
ii. 小组循环赛阶段: 所有报名队伍将被随机分配小组,与小组内每支队伍进行bo1的比赛,组内按胜场数排名,若有并列,则按对局内胜利回合数或击败数排序,共有8支队伍晋级淘汰赛阶段。
iii. 淘汰赛阶段:8支队伍由各部部长负责抽签分配到上下两个半区,每个半区有两组,共计四组,每组2支队伍,进行BO3比赛,每组胜者进入胜者组,败者进入败者组。
iv. 总决赛阶段:由胜者组决赛胜者与败者组决赛胜者进行BO3比赛。

2. 比赛纪律:

i. 选手必须按照组委会指定的时间参加比赛,如有特殊情况应提前1-2周与组委会取得联系。未在规定时间内出现且没有与组委会提前沟通的队伍,裁判发起命令10分钟内未作为的队伍以及有选手弃权导致可参赛人数不足5人的队伍,均视为主动弃赛;
ii. 每名选手只能参加一支队伍,每支队伍最少需要5名选手,最多可报名6人。指定其中一名场上队员为队长,一或两名指定为替补,若不报替补人员,则视为没有替补人员,在审核换人名额时将只按5人计算。每支队伍每整场比赛最多更换1名队员;
iii. 比赛BP开始至比赛结束全过程不得人为退出游戏,违者视为弃权;
iv. 疑似作弊行为的举报及处理:选手在比赛过程中,若发现疑似作弊情况,需第一时间向裁判进行反馈,裁判将立即对被举报选手进行游戏内第一视角审查,此时比赛继续,若裁判进行审查时发现被举报选手确切存在作弊情况, 则直接记录相应ID信息,当即取消参赛资格及成绩,若该选手对比赛影响程度达到重赛标准时,当局比赛进行重赛。若裁判现场未查看到确切作弊情况,比赛继续,同时赛后向被举报选手索要依赛事规则要求录制的第一视角视频,再次进行审查,若该选手确实存在作弊情况且对比赛影响程度达到重赛标准时,当局比赛进行重赛。
a) 重赛条件:若选手存在作弊情况,且受其影响选手数大于等于12名(选手总击败数达到12时),当局比赛将进行重赛,否则不进行重赛。同时,所有重赛将在直播结束后,非直播情况下进行,同时当日比赛赛果公布宣布延期。
v. 比赛期间内,特殊情况或异常行为需第一时间提交告知裁判,在裁判许可前不得私自处理

2. 规范行为

i. 不尊重裁判行为:
a) 参赛队伍管理⼈员或选手不尊重并不服从裁判判罚,对判罚存在异议时未通过正规途径与主裁沟通。
b) 参赛选手在公开场合对裁判判罚存在质疑。
c) 参赛选手对裁判进行语言挑衅 、侮辱。
d) 参赛选手对裁判有肢体等行为。
ii. 非公平竞赛行为:
a) 参赛选手在任意时间场合使用非法程序(外挂)进行游戏或比赛。
b) 参赛选手在任意时间场合使用没被认可的程序进行游戏或赛。
c) 参赛选手代打行为。
d) 参赛选手出现任何操控胜负或默契赛的行为。
e) 参赛选手在比赛中出现恶意中断比赛,妨碍比赛进行,利用非游戏内方式获取游戏内信息,恶意掉线,利用游戏漏洞等行为。
f) 参赛选手出现谎报信息或信息造假行为。
iii. 未遵守赛事规则进行视频录制行为:
a) 选手未按照赛事规则中相应要求进行比赛视频录制或所提供的视频无法达到清晰辨认视频内容要求时,将视为违规行为并进行警告,同时选手为该行为产生的后果承担全部责任。
iv. 泄密行为:
a) 在主办方未正式对外公开比赛相关信息前,参赛队伍相关⼈员通过各类渠道向外界传播传递比赛相关如:规则文档、 比赛方式、参赛时间、宣传片等信息的行为。

3. 处罚措施

i. 警告
ii. 判罚离开当场比赛
iii. 取消当场比赛成绩或取消比赛资格
iv. 禁止参加以后由电竞社主办的所有比赛

Competition Rules:
1. Competition format:

i. Registration stage: All registered teams enter the group round-robin stage. Each team has at least 5 people and a maximum of 6 people. The team members include at least one member of the e-sports club.If the total number of teams in this project is less than 8, the project will be cancelled.

2. Game discipline:

i. Players must participate in the competition according to the time specified by the organizing committee. In case of special circumstances, they should contact the organizing committee 1-2 weeks in advance. Teams that do not show up within the specified time and have not communicated with the organizing committee in advance, teams that do not act within 10 minutes after the referee initiates an order, and teams that have fewer than 5 players due to abstentions, are all deemed to have voluntarily abandoned the game;
ii. Each player can only participate in one team. Each team needs at least 5 players and can sign up for a maximum of 6 people. Designate one of the players on the field as the captain, and one or two designated as substitutes. If no substitutes are reported, it will be deemed that there are no substitutes. When reviewing the number of substitutions, it will only be counted as 5 people. Each team can replace at most 1 player per game;
iii. During the whole process from the start of the game BP to the end of the game, it is not allowed to artificially quit the game. Violators are deemed to have abstained from the game;
iv. Reporting and handling of suspected cheating: During the competition, if a player finds suspected cheating, he/she needs to give feedback to the referee as soon as possible. The referee will immediately conduct a first-person review of the reported player in the game, and the game will continue at this time , if the referee finds that the reported player is indeed cheating during the review, the corresponding ID information will be recorded directly, and the qualification and results of the competition will be canceled immediately. If the referee does not check the exact cheating situation on the spot, the game will continue. At the same time, after the game, ask the reported player for the first-person video recorded in accordance with the rules of the game, and review it again. If the player does cheat and has a serious impact on the game When the match standard is reached, the authority game is replayed.
a) Rematch conditions: If a player cheats and the number of players affected by it is greater than or equal to 12 (when the total number of players defeated reaches 12), the official game will be replayed, otherwise there will be no rematch. At the same time, all rematch will be held after the live broadcast is over, without live broadcast. At the same time, the results of the match will be announced and postponed.
v. During the competition, special circumstances or abnormal behaviors must be reported to the referee immediately, and shall not be dealt with without permission before the referee

2. Regulating behavior

i. Disrespectful conduct by referees:
a) The management personnel or players of the participating teams do not respect and obey the referee's penalty, and do not communicate with the referee through formal channels when they have objections to the penalty.
b) Contestants question the referee's decision in public.
c) Contestants verbally provoke and insult the referee.
d) Contestants have physical and other behaviors towards the referee.
ii. Unfair Play:
a) Contestants use illegal programs (plug-ins) for games or competitions at any time and occasion.
b) Contestants use unapproved programs for games or competitions at any time and occasion.
c) Contestant's acting on behalf of players.
d) Contestants have any behavior of manipulating the outcome or tacit match.
e) Contestants maliciously interrupt the game during the game, hinder the game, use non-game methods to obtain in-game information, maliciously disconnect, use game loopholes and other behaviors.
f) Contestants have misreported or falsified information.
iii. Failure to comply with the competition rules for video recording:
a) If the player fails to record the game video according to the corresponding requirements in the competition rules or the video provided cannot meet the requirements for clearly identifying the video content, it will be regarded as a violation and a warning will be given, and the player will bear full responsibility for the consequences of the behavior.
iv. Leakage:
a) Before the organizer officially discloses the relevant information of the competition, the relevant personnel of the participating teams disseminate information related to the competition such as: rule documents, competition methods, competition time, promotional videos, etc. to the outside world through various channels.

3. Penalties

All contestants who have the above behaviors will be punished including but limited to the following types.
i. Warning
ii. Penalty to leave the game
iii. Disqualification of on-the-spot game results or disqualification
iv. Prohibition from participating in all future competitions hosted by the e-sports club
我已阅读并同意相关条款/I have read and agree to the relevant terms
如有任何疑问,可添加社长微信:FrozenSmog或副社长微信:LJW18070989882咨询。/If you have any questions, you can add the president’s WeChat account: FrozenSmog or the vice president’s WeChat account: LJW18070989882 for consultation.