大学申请AI工具调查问卷 Survey On AI Tools For University Applications

本研究旨在探讨高中毕业生申请大学时需要的支持,以及对 AI 工具的需求情况。This study aims to explore the support needed by high school graduates when applying to universities and their demand for AI tools.
本调查主要邀请高中11-12年级,和大学一二年级同学或者家长进行。参与本调查完全自愿,您可随时退出。This survey is primarily intended for high school students in grades 11-12, as well as university freshmen and sophomores, or their parents. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time.
您的回答将保持匿名,所有数据仅用于学术研究。Your responses will remain anonymous, and all data will be used solely for academic research.
通过选择“我同意”,您确认您理解本研究的目的并同意参与。感谢您的支持。By selecting 'I Agree,' you confirm that you understand the purpose of this study and consent to participate. Thank you for your support.
A.我同意 | I Agree
B.我不同意 | I Do Not Agree
1. 您的身份是? Your identity is? (请选择一个选项)(Select one option)
A.学生 | Student
B.学生家长 | Student’s Parent
2. 您 / 您的孩子目前在哪个年级?(请选择一个选项)What grade are you/your child currently in?(Select one option)
A. 11 年级 | Grade 11
B. 12 年级 | Grade 12
C. 大学/学院一二年级 | Freshmen and sophomores college/university
D. 其他年级 (调查结束) | Other grades (The survey has come to an end)
3. 您的孩子的学校所在的城市是? Which city is you / your child’s school located in?
4. 在完成学术考试和成绩单准备后,你认为大学申请过程中最困难的部分是什么? After completing the academic exams and preparing the transcript, what do you think is the most difficult part of the university application process? (Select all that apply)(可多选)[Choose at least 1 item]
A. 了解大学申请流程 | Understanding the university application process
B. 选择合适的大学和专业 | Choosing the right university and major
C. 准备申请文书 | Preparing application essays
D. 面试准备 | Interview preparation
E. 其他(请具体说明)| Others (Please specify):
5. 你在申请过程中寻求过,或者准备寻求的外部支持是哪些?(可多选)Have you sought or are you planning to seek external support during the application process? (Select all that apply)[Choose at least 1 item]
A. 是,专业辅导机构/专业导师 | Yes, professional tutoring services/mentors
B. 是,在线工具或平台 | Yes, online tools or platforms
C. 其它(请具体说明)| Other (Please specify):
D. 我没有寻求外部支持 | I do not seek external support
6. 如果有一个 AI 工具可以帮助你提高大学申请效率,你最需要的两项功能是? (请选择最重要的两项)If an AI tool could help you improve your university application efficiency, what are the two features you need the most? (Please select the two most important ones.)6.[Please select 2 item]
A. 了解大学申请流程 | Understanding the university application process
B. 推荐合适的大学和专业 | Recommending suitable universities and majors
C. 帮助撰写申请文书 | Assisting with application essays
D. 提醒申请截止日期 | Reminding application deadlines
E. 提高面试技巧 | Enhancing interview skills
7. 如果有一个高效、易用且价格合理的 AI 工具可以帮助你更高效地申请大学,你愿意使用它吗?(请选择一个选项)If an efficient, user-friendly, and reasonably priced AI tool could help you apply to university more effectively, would you use it? (Select one option)
A. 非常愿意 | Very willing
B. 比较愿意 | Somewhat willing
C. 一般 | Neutral
D. 不太愿意 | Not very willing
E. 非常不愿意 | Not willing at all

8. 你愿意为这样的工具支付多少钱?(请选择一个选项)How much would you be willing to pay for such a tool? (Select one option)

A. 0-10加元/月 | CAD 0-10 per month
B. 11-20 加元/月 | CAD 10-20 per month
C. 21-50 加元/月 | CAD 21-50 per month
D. 51 加元以上/月 | More than CAD 51 per month
E. 我不愿意付费 | I am not willing to pay
9. 你是否使用过类似的 AI 大学申请工具? Have you used any similar AI-powered university application tools before?
A. 是(请具体说明工具名称)Yes (Please specify the tool‘s name):
B. 否 | No
10. 你对 AI 大学申请工具还有哪些额外的建议或期望?
Do you have any additional suggestions or expectations for an AI university application tool?
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