Pre-registration for 2024/2025 graduate gown rental

此次租賃畢業袍主要為沒有購買畢業袍,但仍然想參加2025年3月23日碩士生、博士生畢業照拍攝活動的同學提供。沒有畢業袍的同學將無法進入活動的會場,望知悉。畢業生委員會預祝大家畢業順利!This graduation gown rental is mainly for students who have not purchased graduation gowns, but still want to participate in the graduation photo shoot for master's students and doctoral students on March 23, 2025. Please note that students without graduation robes will not be able to enter the event venue. The Graduate Committee wishes you all a successful graduation!

說明:租賃之畢業袍為學校提供,各專業畢業袍留存情況不同,數量有限(碩士袍約130套,博士袍約85套,哲學博士56套,專業博士15套)。預登記成功不代表預約租賃成功,為先到先得。Successful pre-registration does not imply successful booking on a first-come-first-served basisLimited quantity (About 130 sets of master's gowns, 75 sets of doctor's gowns, 56 sets of Doctor of Philosophy, 15 sets of professional doctor's gowns).

預約成功、並且確認學校可以提供租袍的同學後續會通過郵箱通知,請密切留意問卷中填報的常用郵箱。Students with successful reservations will be notified by mail

姓名 Name
學生證號碼(大寫字母,含全部數字)Student Identity Card Number (capital letters,with all digits)
學院 Faculty
專業 Major
常用郵箱 Frequently Used Mailboxes
聯繫電話Contact phone number
租賃碩士袍還是博士袍?  Master Gown rental or PhD gown rental?
碩士袍 Master Rental
博士袍 PhD Rental
衣服碼數 Size
轉賬截圖--請將款項付款至中國銀行(澳門)聯合帳戶:183900376824092(賴----華)轉賬請備註學號+姓名+所購項目 Screenshot--Please make the payment to Bank of China (Macau) Joint account: 183900376824092 (賴----華)  Please note student number + name + purchased item for the transfer
註:上傳轉賬截圖後請保留好,隨時复核,感謝!暫不支持其他付款方式,請見諒)(Note: After uploading the transfer screenshot, please keep it and review it at any time, thank you! We do not support other payment methods, please understand)
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