Qiushi Online Satisfaction Survey



Dear Readers:

You are invited to participate in this survey. We would like to learn more about your experience and thoughts on the Qiushi Online, the English website of Qiushi Journal. Your feedback will help us improve our services and meet your expectations better.

1. 您访问求是英文网的频率?
How frequently do you visit the Qiushi website?
a) 每天 Daily
b) 每周 Weekly
c) 每月 Monthly
d) 很少 Rarely
2. 您对网站的功能满意程度如何?
How satisfied are you with the performance of the website?
a) 非常满意 Very satisfied
b) 满意 Satisfied
c) 基本满意 Acceptable
d) 不满意 Dissatisfied
3. 您将求是英文网推荐给其他人的可能性有多大?
How likely are you to recommend the website to others?
a) 非常可能 Very likely
b) 可能 Likely
c) 不确定 Not sure
d) 不太可能 Unlikely
4. 您浏览最多的栏目是什么? (多选)
Which column(s) of the website do you read most frequently? (Choose all that apply)【Multiple】
a) 习近平专栏 Xi Jinping
b) 《求是》杂志英文版 Latest Issue / Past Issues
c) 重点关注 Focus
d) 政策分析 Policy Analysis
e) 发展经验 Development Experience
f) 观点 Opinion
g) 中国与世界 China and the World
h) 视频 Video
i) 专题 Specials
5. 您认为求是英文网对您最大的帮助是什么?
What do you think is the most valuable help provided by Qiushi Online?
a) 学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 Studying Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
b) 了解中国国情、方针政策 Understanding China’s development, policies, and guidelines
c) 了解中国与世界交流互动的故事 Exploring stories of China’s exchanges and interactions with the world
d) 掌握相关术语的英文表达 Acquiring the English expressions of relevant terms
6. 您是否已经订阅并按时收到《求是》杂志英文版的newsletter?
Have you registered for the newsletter of Qiushi Journal and received it on time?
a) 已订阅,按时收到 Registered and received it on time
b) 已订阅,未按时收到 Registered but haven’t received it on time
c) 未订阅,不知道如何订阅 I don’t know how to register
d) 未订阅,不需要 I don’t need it
7. 您通过哪些途径了解《求是》杂志英文版?
How do you access the English version of Qiushi Journal?【Multiple】
a) 《求是》杂志英文版纸质版 Printed edition of the English version of Qiushi Journal
b) 求是英文网 Qiushi Online
c) 求是X账号等海外社交平台 Overseas social media platforms such as Qiushi X account
d) 媒体网站 Media websites
e) 其他 Others
8. 您对我们的网站还有其他意见或建议吗?(选填)
Do you have any other comments or suggestions for our website?(Optional)
Thank you for your participation! Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
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