Registration Form - IACAET meeting for global credentialling frameworks
注册表 - IACAET全球认证体系框架会议

Date: Saturday, 8th March, 2025


Time: 2:00 pm UK, 9 am New York,  10 pm Beijing,Time: 2:00 pm UK, 9 am New York, 4 pm Johannesburg, 7.30 pm India, 10 pm Beijing, 1am Sydney


International Association for Creative Arts in Education and Therapy (IACAET)


* Indicates required question

* 必填问题

Basic personal information 个人基本信息[Please select 3-5 item]
Name 姓名
Country 国家
City 城市
Organization 单位
Email 电子邮箱
Are you an IACAET register member? 您是IACAET注册会员吗?
Yes 是
No 否
How would you describe  your professional identity? 您的职业身份是什么?[Please select 1-2 item]
Arts educator 艺术教育者
(Creative or Expressive) Arts therapist or practitioner(创造性或表达性)艺术治疗师或从业者
Licensed psychologist, counsellor, therapist 认证心理学家、咨询师、治疗师
Arts healer 艺术疗愈师
Arts in health practitioner 艺术健康从业者
Policy maker 政策制定者
Researcher 研究人员
Other (please describe) 其他(请描述):
How important is it to bring IACAET credentialling to your country or region? IACAET认证引入您的国家或地区有多重要?
Very important 非常重要
Important 重要
Nice to have, but not a must have 很好,但不是必须的
We have a credentialling process in our country and don't need an additional one 我们国家已有认证体系,不需要额外引入
Other (please describe) 其他(请描述):
What kind of IACAET credentials would be appealing to you? 您对哪种IACAET认证感兴趣?[Please select 1-4 item]
Arts education related 艺术教育相关认证
Arts in health practitioner 艺术健康从业者
Arts healer or other entry level practitioner 艺术疗愈师或其他初级认证
(Creative) Arts therapist(创造性)艺术治疗师
Other (please describe) 其他(请描述):

How do you like to get involved with IACAET credentialling work? 你希望如何参与IACAET的认证工作?

I would like to join the IACAET credentialling task force to work on the framework with the team. 我想加入IACAET的认证工作组,与团队一起制定框架。
When IACAET credentialling is in place, I would like to be part of the regional committee to evaluate the applications for the IACAET credentials. 当IACAET认证制度到位时,我想成为区域委员会的一部分,以评估IACAET认证的申请。
I would like to contribute whatever IACAET needs me to do in this work. 我愿意为这项工作贡献我所能为IACAET提供的任何帮助。
I am interested but don't have time and energy to join the supporting work. 我感兴趣,但没有时间和精力参与支持工作。
I am not interested. 我不感兴趣。
Other (please describe) 其他(请描述):
Do you want to attend the March 8th meeting? 您想参加38日的会议吗?
Yes, please send me the meeting link. 是的,请发送会议链接给我。
I am interested but can't attend the meeting. I would like to receive the meeting report later. 我感兴趣但不能参加会议,我希望会后收到会议报告。
I am not interested. 我不感兴趣。
Other (please describe) 其他(请描述):

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