DUSA Flash Survey of the Risks, Measures & Best Practice of Epidemic Prevention & Control

New “Ten optimized measures against the Covid-19” were released last week. Many member companies begin to prepare for the potential risk of COVID infection. With the spread of the virus, companies might face the labour shortage and the decrease of production in short term, which will probably cause the delay of delivery and other risks.

DUSA arranges a flash survey to collect the risks member companies may encounter, the measures have been taken and what information or support you would like obtain from DUSA and other members. We also plan to hold an online workshop to share the survey result in next week.

We invite you to spend a few minutes in filling in the questionnaire. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this survey. Many thanks.
我们邀请您花费几分钟填写下面的问卷。如您对问卷有任何的疑问,请随时联系我们。 非常感谢!
The location of the company 所属区域
SIP 园区
SND 新区
Wuzhong 吴中
Xiangcheng 相城
Wujiang 吴江
其他 Others
Number of employees 员工人数
< = 20
21 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 200
above 201
Considering the potential risk of COVID infection, what measures have been already taken? 针对新冠病毒传播的潜在风险,公司目前已经采取了哪些措施?【多选题】
Make emergency plan and practice when employees are infected in a large scale 制定员工大面积感染的应急预案并进行演练
Take the PCR test regularly in factory 在工厂内部有规律地进行核酸检测
Provide the test kit to employees for self-test 提供试剂盒,让员工自检
Adjust the shift arrangement or develop production rotation plan to ensure the uninterrupted and seamless production 调整班次或制定轮岗计划以保证生产不受影响
Arrange the remote work for office staff. 办公室员工安排居家办公
Others (please list) 其他
The employee absent ratio due to the COVID-19 目前贵司因为新冠肺炎导致的员工缺勤率
above 20%
How do you identify the employees whose PCR test results are positive?  如何定义“阳性员工”?
Provide the nucleic acid antigen self-test results 提供核酸抗原自测结果
Provide diagnosis certificate from hospital 提供医院诊断证明
No proof is needed. 不需要任何证明
Both of the above 2 options are acceptable 前两项皆可
For employees whose PCR test results are positive, the leave granted by the company is: 对于阳性员工,公司给予的假期是:
be regarded as work instead of annual leave or sick leave with full pay 视同出勤,不占用年假或全薪病假
Annual leave firstly and then sick leave 先安排年假,年假休完后安排病假
sick leave 病假
Others (please list)其他 (请列举)
For employees whose PCR test results are positive, how many leave days will be given? 对于阳性员工,给予几天假期?
Until the PCR test result is changed to negative 到核酸检测结果变为阴性
Disappearance of symptoms 症状消失
A week 一周
Others (please list) 其他(请列举)
For the close contacts who are quarantined, the leave granted by company is: 对于要求隔离的密接员工,目前公司给予的假期是:
be regarded as work instead of annual leave or sick leave with full pay 视同出勤,不占用年假或全薪病假
Annual leave firstly and then sick leave 先安排年假,年假休完后安排病假
Sick Leave 病假
Others (please list) 其他 (请列举)
For the close contacts who are quarantined, how many leave days will be given? 对于要求隔离的密接人员,给予几天假期?   
0 - 5 days 0 - 5天
6 - 7 days 6 - 7天
when the quarantined is over 隔离解除
Others (please list) 其他 (请列举)
For those close contacts who are not quarantined, the leave granted by the company is:  对于没有要求隔离的密接员工,公司给予的假期是:
No specific leave 没有专门的假期
Be regarded as work instead of annual leave or sick leave with full pay 视同出勤,不占用年假或全薪病假
Annual leave firstly, and then sick leave 先安排年假,然后是病假
Sick leave 病假
Others (please list) 其他(请列举)
What management measures have been taken for external visitors, delivery personnel and other personnel entering the factory? 对于外来访客、送货人员等外部进入厂区人员,已经采取了什么管理措施?
test the body temperature and check the health code 测温并查验健康码
Arrange a separate area for personnel from outside and have special management measure 安排单独区域给外来人员,并有相应的管理措施
Forbidden to enter into the factory 禁止进入厂区
No management measures specific to the outbreak 没有特别针对疫情的管理措施
Others (please list) 其他(请列举)
Do you have any other benefit package or epidemic prevention measures? 您是否还有其他的福利政策或者防疫措施?
Do you have any best practices to share among DUSA members? 您是否有好的经验可以分享给DUSA会员?
Under the current situation, do you have any questions or confusions about the company's management measures to deal with the epidemic? 在目前的状况下,您对于公司应对疫情的管理措施有什么问题或困扰吗?
what kind of information or support you are expected from DUSA or other members? 您希望从DUSA或者其他会员那里得到什么信息或帮助?
Please fill in your company name if you are not DUSA member. Then we can invite you to attend the online survey result sharing. If you would like to receive DUSA event campaigns, please also provide your email address. Thanks.
如果贵司还不是DUSA会员,请填写公司名称。这样我们可以邀请您参加在线的调研发布会。如果您希望收到DUSA的活动通知,请留下您的邮箱地址。 谢谢。
If you are DUSA members, please skip. 如果您是DUSA会员,请略过。
Company Name:  
Email Address: