Dear friend,
Global Think-tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (GO-TKM), an international non-profit organization based in Brussels, Belgium, aims to promote the importance and application of organizational tacit knowledge management in society, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of human learning, and enhance the well-being of the society ( This think-tank has 108 global experts from 43 countries so far.
To get a clear picture of the current situation of organizational tacit knowledge management in the world, find out the excellent applications/practices worldwide, promote to raise awareness and strengthen organizational tacit knowledge management, save the tacit knowledge, explore its potential, communicate the best practices and working methods in organizations, develop the valuable untapped talent resources in organizations, improve the organizational effectiveness and productivity together with the social well-being!
Therefore, we launched the "Global Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management Survey" and will finally release the research results as a TKM global annual report to the public.
We will strictly follow the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for this survey.
We are pleased to invite you to contribute 10 minutes to complete the survey.
In appreciation of your support on this, you will be granted the right to download our survey report and a free online ticket (face value of €99.00) to attend our Global TKM Forum · Davos Forum on Nov 10-11, 2025.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the questionnaire, please:
Organized by:
GO-TKM, Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management
Behavior and Knowledge Engineering Research Centre (BAKE) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Student Career Development Center, Business School, Shenzhen Technology University
Imagine an ideal organisation that takes the full potential of tacit knowledge to improve performance, enhance effectiveness, engage talents across the organisation, and drive new and value-generating business.
Anchors: 1 = Not close at all, 2 = Close to a little extent, 3 = Close to a certain extent, 4 = Close, 5 = Very close
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① How close is your organization to that ideal? |
① How close is your organization to that ideal? | | | | | |
Would your organisation consider bringing in external tacit knowledge management consultants to support internal development?
Anchors: 1 = Not likely at all, 2 = A little likely, 3 = likely, 4 = Very likely, 5 Certainly
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Level of possibility |
Level of possibility | | | | | |