Take part in our survey on international education in Shanghai!
The Shanghai French School is providing multilingual education in Shanghai on its Qingpu and Yangpu campuses for children aged 2 to 18. We are currently conducting a series of surveys to better understand the expectations of international families when it comes to education in Shanghai. We would be very grateful if you could spare a few minutes of your time to provide your input.
All information collected will be kept strictly confidential and anonymized, in accordance with current regulations.Completing the survey should not take you more than 10 minutes. Thank you very much!
When did you or your family arrived in Shanghai?
Have you noticed any changes in the foreign community around you?
Have you noticed, compared to before, an increase in people from any nationalities in your community?
In your opinion, how have the salaries of foreigners working in China changed over the past few years?
What are the strengths of this school’s curriculum according to you? 1 is not a strength at all, 3 average/standard, 5 a big strength
On a range from 1 to 5, 1 being unsatisfied, 3 neutral and 5 satisfied, please comment on the elements below:
Overall, how likely is it that you would recommend the current school to your friends or colleagues?
What is your nationality?
What is the nationality of your partner?