报告专题 Presentation Topic【多选题】
The academic forum sets up a total of eight report topics, covering the physical ocean, marine physics, marine biogeochemistry, marine biology, marine ecology, marine geology and paleoclimate and environmental science and other disciplines.
摘要包括研究背景、目的、方法、成果、讨论和意义等(400字以内)。The abstract (maximum 400 words) should include: background, research goals, methods, results, discussion, and implications of your findings.
参加科普活动的形式 Forms of participating in outreach activities【多选题】
在论坛期间,全体参会人员需参与到科普活动中,针对某一或多个海洋相关的科学问题,与中小学生交流相关知识、问题和研究。 During the forum, all attendees must participate in outreach activities, exchanging ideas with primary and secondary school students regarding marine environmental scientific topics.