2025 Swiss Business in China Survey

Note: / 注: 
1. In this survey, “China” refers to Chinese Mainland; “Foreign” refers to all overseas economies, including Taiwan (China), Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China).
2. All data provided will be kept strictly confidentially, used strictly for the purpose of generating the survey report and will be handled only by the smallest necessary number of senior people aggregating the data to generate the report.
3. The survey organizers fully respect and apply all the China, EU and Swiss related data and cybersecurity laws. All email addresses provided will not be transferred or reused by the organizers or anyone else. One exception will be made for delivering the survey report and any addition analysis provided only to survey respondents. 
Company Structure and Business


Q1.1 Your company's largest ownership share/main Headquarters is from/in:

The Chinese Mainland / 中国大陆
Hong Kong (China) / 香港(中国)
Taiwan (China) / 台湾(中国)
Switzerland / 瑞士
Germany / 德国
Austria / 奥地利
France / 法国
Italy / 意大利
Benelux / 比利时,荷兰或卢森堡
Other European Union (kindly specify): / 其他欧盟国家(请具体说明):
UK / 英国
North America / 北美
Japan / 日本
Other Asia (kindly specify): / 其他亚洲国家(请具体说明):
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Q1.3 Is your company listed?
Q1.4 When was your company first established in China?
Before 1980 / 1980年以前
1980–1990 / 1980年至1990年间
1991–2000 / 1991年至2000年间
2001–2005 / 2001年至2005年间
2006–2010 / 2006年至2010年间
2011–2015 / 2011年至2015年间
2016–2020 / 2016年至2020年间
2021–present / 2021年至今
My company does not have directly active personel in China (we do business through agents or other third parties) / 我司在中国未直接开展业务(通过代理商或其他第三方机构开展业务)
Q1.5 In which sector is your company's main business?
Services (incl. trading) / 服务业(含贸易)
Manufacturing (making products) / 制造业(生产商品)
Both services and manufacturing / 服务业和制造业
Q1.6 Compared with other companies in the same industry, your company's main products/services are aimed at which segments of the market: (Multiple selection possible)
High-end / 高端
Mid-end / 中端
Low-end / 低端
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Q1.7 The main clients of your company or agent/distributor are:
Individuals (B2C) / 个人(B2C)
Companies/Organizations (B2B) / 公司或机构(B2B)
Both individuals (B2C) and companies/organizations (B2B) / 个人(B2C)和公司或机构(B2B)
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q1.8 What is the contribution of the Chinese business to your company's global 2024 revenue?
100% (my company only has operations in China) / 100%(我公司仅在中国运营)
75%–99% / 75%至99%
50%–74% / 50%至74%
25%–49% / 25% 至 49%
0%–24% / 0% 至24%
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q1.9 What is the contribution of the Chinese business to your company's global 2024 profits?
100% (my company only has operations in China) / 100%(我公司仅在中国运营)
75%–99% / 75%至99%
50%–74% / 50%至74%
25%–49% / 25%至49%
0%–24% / 0%至24%
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Sales Profitability & Investments


Q2.1 What are your company's forecasted Chinese subsidiary sales or sales in China if you don’t have a subsidiary (your “China sales”)?
Less than 10 million RMB / 少于1,000万元人民币
10–29 million RMB / 1,000万至2.99亿元人民币
30–299 million RMB / 3亿至11.99亿元人民币
300–1’199 million RMB / 3亿至12亿元人民币
More than 1’200 million RMB / 超过12亿元人民币
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.2 How do you expect your company's China sales for 2025 to compare to 2024?
Substantially higher (up by more than 15%) / 大幅增长(超过15%)
Higher (up by 3%–15%) / 增加(3%至15%)
Almost the same (a difference between -2%–+2%) / 几乎相同(-2%至2%)
Lower (down by 3%–15%) / 降低(-3%至-15%)
Substantially lower (down by more than 15%) / 大幅降低(超过-15%)
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.3 What percentage of your China sales is done online in 2024?
0%–4% / 0%至4%
5%–19% / 5%至19%
20%–49% / 20%至49%
50%–79% / 50%至79%
80% or above / 80%或以上
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.4 What percentage of your global business (excluding China) was done online in 2024?
0%-4% / 0%至4%
5%-19% / 5%至19%
20%-49% / 20%至49%
50%-79% / 50%至79%
80% or above / 80%或以上
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.5 How do you expect your company’s China profit in 2025 compared with 2024?
Substantially higher (up by more than 15%) / 大幅增长(超过15%)
Higher (up by 3%–15%) / 增长(3%到15%)
Almost the same (in between -2%–+2%) / 几乎相同(-2%到2%)
Lower (down by 3%–15%) / 降低(-3%降至-15%)
Substantially lower (down by more than 15%) / 大幅降低(超过-15%)
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.6 What investments do you plan for China in 2025 in comparison to 2024?
Decrease or close operations / 减少或关停运营
tay the same (in between -2%–+2%) / 保持不变(-2%至2%)
Increase investments by 3–9% / 增长3%至9%
Increase investments by 10–19% / 增长10%至19%
Increase investments by 20–29% / 增长20%至29%
Increase investments by 30% or more / 增长30%或以上
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.7 Due to geopolitical conflict/tensions, are you planning to change your investment plans in China?
We already adjusted our investments plans and do not plan more adjustments / 我们已经调整了投资计划,不打算再做调整
We did not change our planned investments in the past years, due to geopolitical reasons / 由于地缘政治原因,我们没有改变过去几年的投资计划
We are postponing planned investments / 我们正在推迟计划中的投资
We are canceling some planned investments / 我们正在取消部分计划投资
We are canceling all planned investments / 我们正在取消全部计划投资
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q2.8 How does China rank in your company's global investment plans?
First priority / 第一优先位置
Second or Third priority / 优先度排在第二或第三位
One among many investment destinations / 众多的投资目的地之一
Not a high priority / 优先度不高
Challenges & Success Factors
Q3.1 What are the greatest external challenges your company is facing in China? (Select up to 5 from the list)
贵公司在中国大陆面临的最大外部挑战是什么?(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
Corruption and unfair practices / 腐败和不公平做法
Economy slowdown in China / 中国经济放缓
Fierce competition / 激烈的竞争
Import substitution/pressure to produce locally in China / 进口替代或在中国本土生产的压力
Other government policies, regulatory environment issues and barriers / 其他政府政策,监管环境问题和障碍
IP infringements and plagiarism / 知识产权侵权和抄袭
Rising labor costs and other costs / 劳动力和其他成本上升
RMB fluctuation / 人民币波动
Trade conflict with US or other countries/regions / 与美国或其他国家与地区的贸易冲突
Geopolitical tensions / 地缘政治紧张局势
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q3.2 What are the most significant internal challenges facing your company in China? (Select up to 5 from the list)
贵公司在中国面临的最大内部挑战是?(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
Corporate governance (maintaining proper standards in the company) / 公司治理(保持公司内适当的标准)
Distribution difficulties and related issues / 分销困难和相关问题
Sourcing difficulties and related issues / 采购困难和相关问题
Financing difficulties and other finance-related issues / 融资困难和其他融资相关的问题
Finding and retaining the right human resources/talent / 找到并留住合适的人力资源
Lack of innovation capabilities in the organization / 组织内缺乏创新能力
Lack of marketing capabilities or poor market understanding / 组织内缺乏营销能力或对市场了解不足
Lack of understanding and support from Head Office / 缺乏总部的理解和支持
Changing group strategy towards China / 集团对中国战略的改变
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q3.3 What are the most important factors for your company’s success in China? (Select up to 5 success factors from the list)

贵公司在中国取得成功的最重要因素是什么?(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
Brand and awareness creation / 品牌和认知创造
Cost control, productivity and operations efficiency / 成本控制、生产率和运营效率
Good performance and incentive systems / 良好的业绩和激励制度
Having a good partner (Chinese or foreign) / 有良好的合作伙伴(中国或国外)
Internet/Mobile based business model / 基于互联网或移动互联网的商业模式
Proper selection and training of employees / 正确选择和培训员工
R&D and product innovation / 研发和产品创新
Relationships (Guanxi) and networking / 关系和关系网
Strong company culture and values / 强大的企业文化和价值观
Superior quality of the products/services / 卓越的产品或服务质量
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q3.4 Do you have any legal disputes in China?
Yes / 是
No / 否
Q3.5 If you are facing disputes in China: how do you estimate your chances of success when taking legal action in these situations?
The legal system is an efficient and helpful instrument / 司法体系是高效且有助于解决问题的
The legal system might be helpful but chances of success are uncertain / 司法体系可能有助于解决问题的,但成功的概率不确定
We estimate to have very low chances of success / 我们预计成功的概率非常低
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
China’s Business Environment & Confidence Level


Q4.1 How do you feel about the progress of China’s economic reform in 2024 compared to 2023?
Good progress / 进展良好
Slow progress / 进展缓慢
No progress / 没有进展
Going backwards / 倒退
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.3 Compared to 2023, did it become easier for your company to open a new business or get a new license in 2024?
Easier / 更容易
No change / 无变化
More difficult / 更困难
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.4 Compared to 2023, has your company’s burden for paying taxes and fees in China become lighter or heavier in 2024?
Lighter / 更轻
No change / 无变化
Heavier / 更重
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.5 How important is it for your business to build/retain good relationship with Chinese authorities?

Very important - Critical for business success / 非常重要——对业务成功至关重要
Important for business success / 业务成功的重要因素
Good to have, but not important or critical / 有很好,但并不重要或关键
Not important / 不重要
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.6 How serious an issue is corruption in China, within your industry and for your business?
Not a problem / 不存在问题
Minor problem / 小问题
Moderate problem / 中等问题
Serious problem / 严重问题
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.7 In your view, how is corruption in your industry in 2024 compared with 2023?
Much less than 2023 / 远低于2023年
Less than 2023 / 低于2023年
Not much change / 没有明显变化
More than 2023/ 超过2023年
Much more than 2023 / 远超过2023年
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.8 Looking forward, what actions by the Chinese government will have the most positive impact on your company’s business operations in the country over the next five years? (Multiple selection possible)
Actions for China’s domestic consumption / 促进中国国内消费的措施
Actions to promote China’s further opening-up and market access / 促进中国进一步对外开放和市场准入的措施
Action that improve China's relationship with Western countries, particularly the United States / 改善中国与西方国家特别是与美国的关系的举措
Actions that build China's independent research and innovation capabilities / 建立中国自主研发创新能力的举措
Actions that reduce China's financial risks such as debt default risks / 降低中国对债务违约等金融风险的举措
Actions that bolster China's independent supply chain network / 加强中国独立供应链网络的举措
Actions that support the development of China's industrial internet, 5G network etc. (so-called ‘new infrastructure’) / 支持中国发展5G网络、工业互联网等(“新基础设施”)的举措
Policies that encourage the localization of production in China / 鼓励在中国本土化生产的政策
Other (including national and industry policies, kindly specify) : / 其他(包括国家和行业政策,请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q4.9 How confident are you that your company's business operations in China will be successful in 2025 and in the next 5 years? Kindly click to select the confidence level. 
0 = no confidence; 10 = 100% confidence
Confidence in my company’s business operations in China in year 2025 / 对我公司2025年中国业务运营的信心
Confidence in my company’s business operations in China in year 2025 / 对我公司2025年中国业务运营的信心
Confidence in my company’s business operations in China within the next 5 years / 对我公司未来5年中国业务运营的信心
Confidence in my company’s business operations in China within the next 5 years / 对我公司未来5年中国业务运营的信心
Q4.10 What level of confidence do you have that the Chinese governments’ supporting polices and measures (subsidies, tax cuts, reductions in bureaucracy, visa facilitation, etc.) will stimulate your companies’ performance?
0 = no confidence; 10 = 100% confidence
Confidence in the governments supporting polices / 对政府支持政策的信心
Confidence in the governments supporting polices / 对政府支持政策的信心
Q5.1 How strong is the competition that your company faces in China?
Very strong / 非常激烈
Strong / 激烈
Quite strong / 有些激烈
Not strong / 不激烈
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q5.2 Who are your major competitors in China? (Multiple selection possible)
State-owned and state-holding enterprises / 国有和国有控股企业
Chinese private or private holding companies / 中国大陆私人或私人控股公司
Joint ventures / 合资企业
Foreign companies / 外国公司
Competition from imports (through agents or distributors) / 来自进口的竞争(通过代理商或分销商)
We don't have major competitors / 我们没有主要竞争对手
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q6.1 If you undertake R&D in China, which market is this aimed at?
China / 中国市场
Rest of the world / 全球其他市场
Both China and rest of the world / 中国与全球其他市场
We don't do R&D in China / 我们公司不在中国开展研发
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q6.2 How fast is it to get a new product/service to market in China in comparison to your global average?
Significantly faster / 明显更快
Faster / 更快
About the same / 基本相同
Slower / 更慢
Significantly slower / 明显更慢
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q6.4 What is the global R&D budget as percentage of the sales generated globally?
0–5% / 0至5%
6–10% / 6至10%
11–15% / 11至15%
Over 15% / 超过15%
Company Positioning & Marketing
Q7.1 What is your market position in China (for your main line of business)?
Market leader (the largest market share in your industry) / 市场领导者(占所在行业最大的市场份额)
One of the Top 3 / 前3之一
One of the Top 5 / 前5之一
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Q7.2 What are the most important success factors driving your sales in China? (Select up to 5 factors from the list)
请选择影响贵公司在中国大陆销售成功的最重要因素。(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
Developing a strong brand / 打造强势品牌
Distribution network / 分销网
High quality / 高质量
Low price / 价格低廉
Market research / 市场研究
Marketing, media & advertising campaigns / 营销、媒体和广告
Price/quality ratio / 性价比
R&D, developing new product/services / 研发、开发新产品或服务
Service (pre- & after-sales) / 服务(售前和售后)
Speed to market / 市场反应速度
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q7.3 What are the most effective marketing activities for your main business in China? (Select up to 5 activities from the list)
哪些营销活动对您的主营业务最为有效?(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
E-mail, newsletter or company magazine / 电子邮件、简讯或企业杂志
Participation in trade fairs / 参加贸易展览会
Public relations activities / 公共关系活动
Seminars, conferences and speeches / 研讨会、会议和演讲
Social media marketing (WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, Live-stream, YouTube, etc.) / 社交媒体营销(微信、微博、直播、Facebook、Twitter、YouTube等)
Traditional advertising (print, TV, radio, outdoors etc.) / 传统广告(印刷、电视、广播、户外等)
Visits to clients or prospective clients / 拜访客户或潜在客户
Web marketing (including Search Engine Optimization) / 网络营销(包括搜索引擎优化)
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q7.4 What are your future sales development plans for China? (Multiple selection possible)
Sell more in the premium/high-end segment / 在高端市场销售更多
Sell more in the middle segment / 在中端市场销售更多
Sell more in the low-end segment / 在低端市场销售更多
Human Resources
Q8.2 How many employees does your company employ worldwide?
0–9 / 0至9
10–49 / 10至49
50–299 / 50至299
300–999 / 300至999
1,000–1,999 / 1,000至1,999
2,000–4,999 / 2,000至4,999
5,000–9,999 / 5,000至9,999
10,000–49,999 / 10,000至49,999
50,000 or more / 50,000或以上
Q8.3 How have your company's employee numbers changed in 2024 compared to 2023?
Significant reduction of 10% or more / 大幅降低10%或以上
Small reduction of 2%–9% / 小幅降低2%至9%
Almost no change (within 2% up/down) / 几乎没有变化(增长或降低2%以内)
Small increase of 2% to 9% / 小幅增长2%至9%
Large increase of 10% or above / 大幅增长10%或以上
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q8.4 What are the most significant human resources issues that your company is facing in China? (Select up to 5 issues from the list)
贵公司在中国面临的主要人力资源问题有哪些?(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
Difficulties in firing employees / 解雇员工的困难
Finding and hiring suitable talents (skills, experience, attitude etc.) / 寻找和雇用合适的人才(技能、经验、态度等)
Generating sufficient commitment and loyalty of staff / 产生员工充分的承诺和忠诚度
Retaining employees / 留住员工
Rising remuneration costs / 薪酬成本上升
Unethical behavior / 不道德行为
Unrealistic expectations of new generation / 新一代不切实际的期望
Other (kindly specify): /其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Q8.5 What do you forecast the total salary and compensation increases are for your China business?
2024 compared to 2023 / 2024年比2023年
2024 compared to 2023 / 2024年比2023年
2025 compared to 2024 / 2025年比2024年
2025 compared to 2024 / 2025年比2024年
Q8.6 What do you forecast the total unwanted employee turnover for your China business in 2024?
Q8.7 What is your target for total unwanted employee turnover in 2025?
Q8.8 What factors are the most effective for retaining employees in China? (Select up to 5 elements from the list)
您认为哪些措施在留住员工方面最有效?(最多选择五项)[Choose at most 5 items]
Company reputation / 公司声誉
Develop a feeling of belonging to the company / 培养对公司的归属感
Employee coaching and mentoring / 员工辅导和指导
Good relationship with direct manager / 与直接上司保持良好关系
Offering a good career path in the company / 提供在公司内良好的职业发展道路
Offering a good work/lifestyle balance / 提供良好的工作与生活平衡
Pay above market rate / 支付高于市场的报酬
Performance incentives (eg., based on KPI's) and stock plans / 绩效激励(如基于KPI)和股权计划
Retention bonus and increasing remuneration for longer-serving employees / 留任奖金和增加长期员工的薪酬
System of rewards and recognition / 奖励和认可制度
Training plans / 培训计划
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Not applicable or unknown / 不适用或不知道
Respondent Information
Q9.1 What is your position in the company (kindly choose the closest to your position)?
Principal decision-making role (CEO/ GM/ Main Owner/ Main Partner/ Chief Representative, …) / 主要决策角色(首席执行官、总经理、主要所有者、主要合伙人、首席代表等)
Deputy decision-making role (VP/ Vice GM/ Director/ Assistant of GM, …) / 副决策角色(副总裁、副总经理、董事、总经理助理等)
Second level of management (CFO, Head of Sales, CTO, Head of HR, …) / 第二级管理(首席财务官、销售总监、首席技术官、人力资源总监等)
Project Manager/ Business Development Manager/ Product Manager / 项目经理、业务开发经理、产品经理
HR Executive / 人力资源主管
Manufacturing, Operations, Logistics or Engineering Executive / 制造、运营、物流或工程主管
Marketing Executive/ Sales Executive / 营销主管、销售主管
Finance Executive / 财务主管
R&D Executive / 研发主管
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Q9.2 Where are you based?
Switzerland / 瑞士
Chinese mainland / 中国大陆
Other (kindly specify): / 其他(请具体说明):
Q9.3 How many years of management experience do you have in China?
Less than 5 years / 少于5年
5–9 years / 5至9年
10–19 years / 10至19年
More than 20 years / 超过20年
Q9.4 Where are you originally from?
Chinese Mainland / 中国大陆
Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), Taiwan (China) / 香港(中国)、澳门(中国)或台湾(中国)
Switzerland / 瑞士
Other European country / 瑞士以外的其他欧洲国家
North America / 北美洲
Europe / 欧洲
Asia / 亚洲
Other (kindly specify): /其他(请具体说明):
Q9.5 What is your gender?
Female / 女性
Male / 男性
Prefer not to disclose / 我不想透露
Q9.6 You are entitled to have a free electronic copy of the final report as well as a presentation with the key outcomes for your internal company use. If you want to receive them, kindly provide your e-mail address below. It will not be used for any other unrelated purposes, as specified at the beginning of this survey.
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