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PV system survey
What is the size of the house you live in?
Under 1,000 sq ft
1,000-1,999 sq ft
2,000-3,000 sq ft
Over 3,000 sq ft
Does your house has a PV system (Photovoltaic system) or energy storage system?
A. I have both a PV (Photovoltaic system) and energy storage system
B. I only have a PV system (Photovoltaic system)
C. I only have an energy storage system
D. I have neither
Do you plan to install a residential energy storage system in the future?
Yes, I desire to install
No, I don’t want to install
I am not sure, still considering
Why yes, please select the following reasons (no more than 2 reasons)
[Choose at most 2 items]
Save electricity bills
Sell more electricity back to grid
I want to support sustainability
Need back-up power
others, please specify
What important factors you will consider when choosing a residential energy storage system? (No more than 3 factors)
[Choose at most 3 items]
D. Ease of installation
C. Financing option
E. Aesthetics
K. Ease of use
J. Brand
G. Performance
H. After sale service
F. Availability
I. Quality
A. Price
B. Installers’ recommendation
L. Others, please specify
Why not? please select the following reasons (no more than 3 reasons)
[Choose at most 3 items]
Installation problems
Home circuits problems
Limited choice of products in my area
I do not need that much electricity
Safe concerns
Too expensive
Lack financing options
Others, please specify
Which State do you live in?
Evaluation object score