Website User Survey

Welcome to participate in this survey.
The websites referred to in this survey only include the official website of the University(www.wku.edu.cn), as well as the websites of colleges, library, news, and enrollment websites. Excluding other internal resource platforms and sites.
After completion, you can get WeChat red envelopes, please don't miss it!
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您的身份You are
在校学生 Student
教师 Faculty
行政员工 Staff
家长 Family
其他 Others
您的联系方式(邮箱即可)Your e-mail
1. 您使用学校官网的主要目的是什么?
What is the main purpose of using the website?
A 了解校园新闻和活动 Find news & activities
B 访问学院网站 Visit college website
C 查看各类官方信息、通知 Find official information and notifications
C 作为访问其他学校资源的入口 As an entry point to access resources
E 其他
2. 您在学校官网上查找信息的难易程度如何?
Do you think it is easy to find information on the website?
A 非常容易 Very easy
B 比较容易 Relatively easy
C 一般 Just OK
D 比较困难 A little hard
E 非常困难 Very hard
3. 您认为学校官网的导航菜单是否清晰易用?
Is the navigation menu on the website straightforward?
A 非常清晰 Very clear
B 比较清晰 Clear
C 一般 Just OK
D 比较不清晰 Blurring
E 非常不清晰 Very blurring
4. 您对学校官网的搜索功能满意吗?
Are you satisfied with the search function on the website?
A 非常满意 Very satisfied
B 比较满意 Satisfied
C 一般 Just OK
D 比较不满意 Dissatisfied
E 非常不满意 Very dissatisfied
5. 您对学校官网的整体设计和布局满意吗?
Are you satisfied with the overall design and layout of the website?
A 非常满意 Very satisfied
B 比较满意 Satisfied
C 一般 Just OK
D 比较不满意 Dissatisfied
E 非常不满意 Very dissatisfied
6. 您认为学校官网的内容更新频率如何?
What do you think is the frequency of content updates on the website?
A 非常频繁 Very frequent
B 比较频繁 Frequent
C 一般 Just OK
D 比较少 Not frequent
E 非常少 Very seldom
7. 您认为学校官网的加载速度如何?
Do you think the loading speed of the website is fast?
A 非常快 Very fast
B 比较快 fast
C 一般 Just OK
D 比较慢 Slow
E 非常慢 Very slow
8. 您是否遇到过学校官网无法访问的情况?
Have you ever encountered a situation where the website cannot be accessed?
A 从未遇到 Never
B 偶尔遇到 Occasionally
C 经常遇到 Often
9. 您通常通过哪些设备访问学校官网? 【多选题】
A 台式电脑 Desktop Computer
B 平板电脑 Tablet-PC
C 手提电脑 Laptop
D 手机 Mobile Phone
E 其他 Other
10. 您认为学校官网的哪些内容最有价值?
What do you think are the most valuable content on the website?
11. 您希望在学校官网上增加哪些功能?
What features would you like to add to the website?
12. 您认为学校官网哪些方面需要改进?请您提供对学校官网优化的具体建议或意见。
What aspects do you think need improvement? Please provide specific suggestions or opinions on optimizing the website.