您好!2021 世界学前教育组织亚太区域研讨会将于2021年11月6日-7日在杭州举行。本次会议采用线下与线上相结合的形式展开。为便于您更好地参与线上同步直播会议,我们将收集您的基本信息,以便生成直播收看链接。您的信息我们将保密,并且仅用于本次活动,请您放心。期待您的支持和参与!非常感谢!
Dear Participant,
Greetings from OMEP China! OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2021 will be held between November 6th and 7th in Hangzhou. The conference will be held both on-site and on-line. In order to ensure your participation in the on-line conference, we'd like to collect your personal information. Please feel free to fill in the following registration form. We'll keep your information confidential and only use the information for producing the link for on-line participation. We are looking forward for your support and participation! Thank you!
OMEP China