
In order to investigate the problems and willingness of the gender gap in the field of science.
What are the key reasons for the gender gap in science?
性别偏见和传统的对女性的刻板印象 Gender bias and traditional stereotypes about women
女性可以接触的资金、资源和机会更少 Women have less access to money, resources and opportunities
职业生涯与家庭生活的平衡:女性进行家务劳动被视为理所应当,占用女性精力和时间Balance between career and family life: housework is taken for granted and takes up women's energy and time
缺乏优秀女性榜样激励和指引方向Lack of good female role models to inspire and guide
面对职业规划时来自家庭、亲戚朋友的压力Face the pressure from family, relatives and friends when planning career
学习时期老师、同学的偏见和歧视Prejudice and discrimination by teachers and classmates during the study period
女性的自我怀疑及外在偏见:女性工作者能力不如男性工作者Women's self-doubt and external bias: female workers are less competent than male workers
性别不平等的教育机会Gender inequality in access to education
职场晋升和评价机制的不公平Inequity in promotion and evaluation mechanisms in the workplace