- 澳門大學中樂團是代表學校的校隊活動,並非興趣班社團,團員需要有一定的責任心和音樂基礎。
- 請各位細心填寫表格內容,避免填寫失誤造成的麻煩。
- 各位填寫表格後,會在一周內收到回復郵件,請各位及時查收郵件,以免錯過面試時間。
收集個人資料聲明 Personal Data Collection Statement
The University of Macau being a public institution of higher education as setin Law No.1/2006, will process the personal data collected on this form for activity organization,service providing and
contact purposes.
Due the needs of the activity or service, the personal data on this form may be transferred to other organizations in or outside Macao.
3. 申請人有權依法申請查閱、更正或更新其存與本校的個人資料。
The applicants have the right to accessrectify or update their personal data stored at UM.