The China CDC Weekly Impact Evaluation Survey - For Authors

Dear Author,

You have recently published an article in the China CDC Weekly. We would like to invite you to respond to this survey about your experiences in submitting and publishing with the China CDC Weekly

The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. No personal identifying information will be collected. We value your comments and suggestions. By proceeding with the survey, you agree to have your responses included in our evaluation. 

Thank you in advance for your participation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


China CDC Weekly


Which best describes your primary occupation? 

Clinical Care Practitioner/Researcher/Scientist
Public Health Practitioner/Researcher/Scientist
Academic Researcher/Scientist
Government Official
University Student
What is your native language (i.e., the language that you speak at home)?
Where do you spend most of your professional or academic time?
In China (Please go to question 4)
Outside China (Please go to question 5)

How many manuscripts have you submitted to the China CDC Weekly?

 (from 1 to 50)

In the past 5 years, of the manuscripts that you have submitted to the China CDC Weekly, how many have been published? 


Why did you select to publish your article in the China CDC Weekly? That is, the China CDC Weekly…. (Choose all that apply)

Is sponsored by China CDC
Is respected public health journal
Articles can be published/accessed for free
Has large and diverse readership
Has user-friendly/efficient submission and publication process
Has high publication rate (good chance that my article will be published)
Review process helps improve my article
Publishes article in timely manner
Publishes article on wide range of public health topics
Reports important public health information in English
Has High Impact Factor
Is indexed by several prominent databases
Please rate the following statements.
Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Instructions for authors are clear, complete, and useful. 
Instructions for authors are clear, complete, and useful. 
The online submission process is user-friendly.
The online submission process is user-friendly.
The editorial office respond to my questions or concerns if and when needed.
The editorial office respond to my questions or concerns if and when needed.
The amount of time between submission and publication of the manuscript is acceptable. 
The amount of time between submission and publication of the manuscript is acceptable. 
Comments and suggestions provided by external reviewers are clear and professional. 
Comments and suggestions provided by external reviewers are clear and professional. 
The review process improves the quality of my article.
The review process improves the quality of my article.
I would highly recommend the China CDC Weekly to a colleague for publication of his/her manuscript.  
I would highly recommend the China CDC Weekly to a colleague for publication of his/her manuscript.  

 Please provide your comments and suggestions for improving the China CDC Weekly’s submission and publication process.

We greatly appreciate your time and value your feedback. 
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