在口罩上使用扎染技术,抗击疫情! Using tie-dyeing method to fight against covide-19!

您好!我们是IGEM国际遗传工程机器设计竞赛的NEYCFLS_China 小队,我们想调查您所在地区的疫情,您的口罩使用情况和您对具有杀菌性的板蓝根在口罩上应用的看法。我们需要上千份来自不同地区的数据, 希望您如实回答并转发给身边的小伙伴,这对我们很有帮助!

Hi everyone! We are the NEYCFLS_China team of the IGEM 2021. We want to investigate the epidemic situation in your region, your use of masks, and your views on the application of bactericidal Isatis root. We need thousands of data from different regions. I hope you can answer truthfully and forward it to your friends. This investigation is very helpful to our next step!

Tie-dyeing has a long history in the Chinese folks. It is a printing and dyeing technique that twists parts of dyed fabric to make it impossible to color uniformly. The technique of ligation is ever-changing and interesting. People can use yarn, thread, rope, etc. to combine various forms of fabrics and then dye them, and then remove the twisted threads one by one to form different shades and distinct levels of color halo.

扎染介绍来源:知乎用户 图片来源: 旭级文化艺术
* 1. 您来自哪里? where are you from?
* 2. 您生活的地区,疫情的状况怎样?What is the status of the epidemic in your area?
* 3.生活中,您戴口罩的频率How often do you wear mask?
* 4.买口罩的时候您更注重什么(0-5分)what do you pay attention to when buying masks?( score from 1 to 5)
价钱price level
* 5.您认为100只口罩多少钱(估算一下就可以,请不要上网找,如下数字是人民币)
How much RMB do you think 100 surgical masks are worth (Rough estimate, plz do not look up on the internet)
* 6.如果用具有杀菌性的板蓝根替换了正常口罩的最外层,能够杀死口罩外层的细菌和病毒,您会接受的新型口罩的最高价格?If the outermost layer of the mask is replaced with bactericidal Isatis root, which kills the bacteria and viruses on the outer layer of the mask, the maximum price(RMB)you can accept is 

* 7.您生活中买过扎染的种类(多选)Types of tie-dye products you have bought (multiple choice ) 【多选题】
* 8.请说明您对扎染行业的了解程度和看法 please illustrate your idea and the knowledge tie-dye industry.