SWW Affiliate via SFC墨西哥直邮

If you are interested in consulting this project, please fill in the following details. We will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the information! Thank you for your support!
* 1.您的姓名?
Full Name
* 2.您的邮箱是?
Your email address?
* 3.其他联系方式?(如电话、微信、WhatsApp、QQ等)
Other contact information(i.e,telephone,wechat,whatsApp,QQ,etc)
* 4.您的公司名称是?
Company Name?
* 5.公司所在城市?
* 6.请输入您沃尔玛合作伙伴ID?
Please enter your Walmart Mexico Parter ID
* 7.请问您是从哪里获得此项目的资讯信息?
How did you learn about this project?
* 8.您目前的墨西哥日单量是多少?
What’s your cerrent daily order volume in Mexico?
* 9.您的三态ID是?(如无,填0)
What‘s your SFC ID? (If no, 0 is flled in)