         This survey is organised by the Association of British Chinese Professors (ABCP, http://abcp.org.uk/). Its purpose is to understand how the current COVID-19 pandemic will influence the views and decisions of Chinese students who are applying or interested in applying to study in the UK in the 2020-2021 academic year, so that UK universities and related organisations can make more informed decisions. The main target participants of the survey include current and potential applicants/students from China and their parents. It should take you only 5-10 minutes to complete.
1a.   您考虑留学英国的最主要的原因是什么(请最多选择三个)?
What are the most important reason(s) for you to consider studying in the UK (please choose up to 3 reasons)?最多选择3项】
获得一个更好的学习环境 To have a better environment for pursuing my degree
获得一个更受国际认可的学位 To receive a more internationally recognised and respected degree
扩大我的就业前景 To improve my career prospects
增加我的生活阅历 To broaden my life experience
提高自己批判性思维的能力 To develop my critical thinking skills
提高我的英语水平 To improve my command of the English language
增加对英国文化的了解 To learn more about British culture
我的成绩不允许我在心仪的国内大学就读 I did not meet the entrance requirements of my preferred university in China
其它(请补充说明)Other (Please specify):
1b.   总体来说,新冠疫情对您留学英国的计划或目前的留英学习产生了多大的影响?
Overall, to what extent have your plans to study or life in the UK been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
没有任何影响 Not at all
影响有但不大 A little
有一定程度的影响 To a certain extent
有比较大的影响 Fairly substantially
有非常大的影响 Very significantly
现在还不好说 It is difficult to say as yet
1c.   请在下面空白处说明您的留学计划或目前留英学习是否受到新冠疫情影响,并请建议英国大学可以提供什么样的服务与支持帮助您更好地规划留学申请或完成学习计划。
Please use the space below to comment on how your plans have/have not been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and to suggest any services and support that could be provided by the UK university to help you plan your application or complete your study.
2.   由于新冠疫情的发生,您对未来在英学习和生活的主要担心有哪些(请最多选择三项)?
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, what are your main concerns about studying and living in the UK? Please tick up to three areas that have worried you most.最多选择3项】
缺少必要的医疗保健资源 Lack of access to medical care when needed
缺少有效的新冠病毒个人防护措施 Lack of effective anti-coronavirus personal protection equipment (PPE)
对华人的歧视和仇恨言论 Discrimination and hate speech against Chinese people
大学和相关机构缺少灵活有效的疫情应对机制(如疫情再次爆发时的紧急回国安排) Lack of effective and flexible support and help by university and related organisations in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. if I choose to return to China urgently due to a second peak of the pandemic)
学生宿舍缺少有效的防止病毒传播的措施 Lack of effective measures in student accommodation to prevent spread of coronavirus
大学校园(如教室和实验室)缺少有效的防止措施 Lack of effective mechanisms on university campuses (e.g. in classrooms and labs) to prevent spread of coronavirus
大学缺少对学生心理健康的支持 Lack of mental health and wellbeing support at university
其它(请补充说明) Other (Please specify):
3.   由于新冠疫情, 您的大学可能会提供网上教学。在决定取消或推迟留学前,您愿意接受多久的网上课程?
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is possible that your university would decide to deliver part of the curriculum online. How long would you accept online provision before you would consider cancelling or deferring your study?
少于三个月 Less than 3 months
3-6 个月 3-6 months
6个月以上 6 months - 1 year
一年以上 More than 1 year
其它(请补充说明) Other (Please specify):
4.   如果您的大学提供一个学期(大约12周)的网上教学,您认为当年学费减少多少比较合理?
What would be an acceptable reduction in tuition fees if online teaching and learning were to be provided by your university for a whole term (approximately 12 weeks)?
0% (无需减少) (No need to reduce)
其它(请说明)Other (please specify):
5.   如果您不计划推迟或取消您的2020-2021学年的留英计划,您愿意接受以下哪些授课安排?
If you are not planning on postponing or cancelling your study plan in the UK in 2020-2021 academic year, which of the following teaching arrangement plans would you accept?
一切照常,按计划在2020年秋季开学 Starting the new academic year in autumn 2020 as planned without any change
推迟到2021年1月开学,然后一切照常 Postponing the start of the new academic year until January 2021, and then delivering the whole on-campus course as usual
按计划在2020年秋季开学,但是第一学期线上授课,从第二个学期开始再去英国线下教学,保证2021年夏天按时毕业 Starting the new academic year in autumn 2020 as planned, providing online teaching for the autumn term and then the usual on-campus teaching for the remaining academic year, and ensuring usual graduation time in summer 2021
大学提供完全线上教学的课程,2020年秋季开学 Providing a complete online degree programme, and starting in autumn 2020
其它(请说明)Other (please specify):
6.   对下列新冠疫情期间网上教学的各种说法,您持什么观点?对每个说法,请选择5个选项中的一项。
What are your views about learning online with a UK university during the COVID-19 pandemic? Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements using one of the five options .
完全不同意(strongly disagree = SD);基本不同意(disagree = D);基本同意(agree = A);完全同意(strongly agree = SA);不好说(N/A)
非常不同意 SD不同意 D同意 A非常同意 SA不好说 N/A
我对获得必要的数字学习资源没有信心 I am not confident that I can access necessary digital learning resources.
我对获得必要的数字学习资源没有信心 I am not confident that I can access necessary digital learning resources.
我对网上学习自我管理的有效性很担心 I am worried about my ability to manage remote e-learning effectively.
我对网上学习自我管理的有效性很担心 I am worried about my ability to manage remote e-learning effectively.
每周与大学老师有在线视频进行个人或小组交流的机会对我的学习很重要 Having weekly video-based individual and/or small group sessions with my university lecturers is very important for my studies.
每周与大学老师有在线视频进行个人或小组交流的机会对我的学习很重要 Having weekly video-based individual and/or small group sessions with my university lecturers is very important for my studies.
我对参与远程网上教学的课堂讨论环节有信心 I feel confident about joining in class discussions on remote online teaching and learning platforms.
我对参与远程网上教学的课堂讨论环节有信心 I feel confident about joining in class discussions on remote online teaching and learning platforms.
纯网上教学无法让我对课程内容有充分的理解 I am worried about my ability to understand the content of my courses if the delivery of teaching is online only.
纯网上教学无法让我对课程内容有充分的理解 I am worried about my ability to understand the content of my courses if the delivery of teaching is online only.
      如果上述内容没有完全反映您的想法, 请在此补充说明 :
      If there is anything else you would like to tell us, please write it here:
我有其他想法 I have more to say
7.   您递交了大学的入学申请后,您认为大学的招生部门多久答复您是合理的?
After you have submitted your application, when will you expect to receive a response from the university’s administration office?
72小时之内 Within 72 hours
一周之内 Within one week
两周内 Within two weeks
其它(请补充说明) Other (Please specify):
8.   下面是一些大学留学指南可能涵盖的有关内容。请选择最多三项您认为最有意义的。
The following statements are about the support and guidance that UK universities may provide for foreign students. Please tick up to three items that are most important to you.最多选择3项】
清晰的录取步骤 Clear application process
由专人负责我的申请 Having a designated person to process my application
清晰的入学指南 Clear admission guide
接受非雅思的英语语言测试结果 Acceptance of English language tests other than IELTS
关于英国医疗服务体系的清晰指南 Clear information about the healthcare system in the UK
关于奖学金申请的清晰指南 Clear information about how to apply for studentships and scholarships
清晰的签证指南和服务支持 Clear guidance and support in the visa application process
清晰的面向大学学生的有关新冠病毒的指南和医疗建议 Clear guidance and medical advice on COVID-19, tailored for the needs of university students
其它(请补充说明) Other (Please specify):
9.   下面是有关您在英国学习和生活的一些相关事项。哪三个对您最重要?
Which of the following aspects are most important for your study and life in the UK? Please tick up to three.最多选择3项】
详细的学位课程手册 A detailed handbook of the degree programme I will be following
和其他留学英国的中国学生友好交流的机会 Opportunities for friendship with fellow Chinese students
和本地(英国)学生友好交流的机会 Opportunities for friendship with home (UK) students
大学提供学术英语的帮助 Academic English language support at university
在英国本地的实习机会 Local work placement opportunities in the UK
有机会获得除学位证书以外其他专业资格证书 Opportunities to obtain other professional certificates and qualifications (in addition to my university degree)
英国政府提供毕业后留英工作4年的签证(目前是2年) Post Study Work (PSW) visa provided by the UK government allowing me to work immediately after graduating for 4 years (currently for 2 years)
人身的健康和安全 Personal health and safety
其它(请补充说明) Other (please specify):
10.   您打算在英国就读什么学位课程?
What degree programme do you plan to follow in the UK?
本科 Undergraduate degree (or first degree)
授课型硕士 Postgraduate taught (Masters, normally 1 year)
其它(请补充说明)Other (please specify):
11.   您计划读什么专业?What subject are you planning to study?
12.   您的性别  Your gender:
男 Male
女 Female
其他/不希望透露 Other/Prefer not to disclose
13.   您是哪年出生的? In which year were you born?
14.  下面哪个选项可以更好的描述您的身份? Which one of the following can describe your status the best?【多选题】
正在申请:已拿到录取通知并接受 Offer holder
正在申请:已拿到录取通知但尚未接受 Offer holder but haven’t accepted yet
正在申请:尚未拿到录取通知 Current applicant, but not an offer holder yet
计划申请2020-21年入学 Prospective applicant in 2020-21 academic year
计划2021年或以后申请 Prospective applicant after 2021-22 academic year or later
家长 Parents
其它(比如计划未来申请英国大学的英国中小学留学生家长,请补充说明身份和相关问题) Other (e.g., currently applying or planning to apply for studying in pre-university schools or colleagues towards future study at a UK university, please specify):
15.  最后,请告诉我们您是从哪个或者哪些渠道听说这个问卷调查的。 谢谢您填答本问卷。 Finally, please tell us from which communication channel(s) you get to know about this survey. Many thanks.【多选题】
我(计划)申请的英国大学(请在下面空格处补充说明) The UK university I applied / plan to apply (please specify):
我目前就读的学校/我的老师(请充说明) The university I am studying in or my teacher (please specify)
教育机构(如留学服务机构,请在下面空格处补充说明) An organisation in the education sector (e.g., governmental bodies and service providers, please specify):
海外华人联谊机构如华人学生学者联谊会(请在下面空格处补充说明) Association(s) of overseas Chinese such as those for Chinese students and scholars (please specify):
传统和在线媒体(包括自媒体,请在下面空格处补充说明) Traditional and online media (including individually-maintained media, please specify):
微信公众号(请在下面空格处补充说明) Public WeChat account(s) (please specify):
微信群或朋友圈 (请在下面空格处补充说明)WeChat group(s) I participate myself (please specify):
全英华人教授协会微信公众订阅号或网站 ABCP’s official WeChat account and/or website
我的同学/校友 My classmate(s) or schoolmate(s)
我的朋友/同事 My friend(s) and/or colleague(s) at work place
我的父母/其他亲戚 My parent(s) and/or other relatives
其它(请在下面空格处补充说明) Other (please specify):