SwissCham Business Survey

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

In early February this year, SwissCham China, in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland, conducted a Business Survey to identify the challenges, which companies were facing due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in China. Now, as the situation is improving in China, SwissCham China prepared a follow-up survey to find out which challenges are still existing, which have been solved and which adaptions of business expectations have been made.

We kindly invite you all to take 5 minutes to answer 12 short questions, the more participate the more valuable and useful the results will be for all of us. The situation may change quickly, therefore it would be much appreciated if you could fill out the survey if possible right now or latest by Thursday, April 9th evening. Rest assured that all information will be treated in a confidential way.
How has your business been affected?
Negatively 消极的影响
Positively 积极的影响
Are you considering changes in your FY2020 China Budget?
Considering an increase 考虑增加
Not considering changes 不考虑调整
Considering a reduction up to 5% 考虑削减不超过5%
Considering a reduction up to 15%考虑削减不超过15%
Considering a reduction above 15%考虑削减15%以上
What challenges are you facing? 
Other HR Issues其他人事问题
Disruption of supply lines 供应链中断
Disruption of distribution channels 分销渠道中断
Cash flow problems周转资金问题
Lack of clarity regarding official regulations 政府规定不明确
Lack of planning reliability 缺乏可靠的规划
Other (please specify) 其他请列明
What measures are you taking?
Shutting down non-core components of your business 关闭非核心业务
Extension of remote working远程工作
Repatriation of expats staff 召回外派员工
Implementation of special health protection measures 采取特殊的健康保护措施
Preparation of alternative budgets 制定替代预算
Expansion of e-commerce channels 扩大电子商务渠道
Identification of alternative suppliers 确定替代供应商
Internal communication内部沟通
External communication外部沟通
Other (please specify) 其他请列明
What percentage of your staff do you anticipate to be in quarantine at the start of office operations?
Less than 1% 不到1%
1% - 10%
10%- 25%
Over 25% 超过25%
Not yet clear 尚不明确
Corporate social responsibility in the context of the Coronavirus outbreak has been flagged as an element that will be under the focus of local authorities and customers. Are you actively engaging in the topic?
Yes 是
No 否
If yes, how? 如是,您是如何参与这一议题的?[Multiple]
Customer engagement 客户互动
Development of new services aimed to create shared value 开发旨在创造共享价值的新服务
Cash donations to charities 向慈善机构现金捐赠
In-kind donations to healthcare authorities向医疗机构实物捐赠
Other (please specify) 其他请列明
What support do you need?
General information about the crisis 一般疫情信息
Consolidated information and assessment of the Corona Virus outbreak and its future development 疫情发展的综合信息与分析
Best practices from peers 同行业的最佳实践经验
Guidance on political risk 政治风险指导
Company specific advise 针对企业的具体建议
Contact to authorities 与政府机构的联系
Access to tailor-made banking products 获得量身定制的金融产品
Access to tailor-made insurance products 获得量身定制的保险产品
Other (please specify) 其他请列明
What is your primary industry?
Consumer goods 消费品
Watches 钟表
Consumer services 消费服务
Financial 金融
Health care 医疗健康
IT 信息技术
Industrial goods 工业品
Other (please specify) 其他请列明
Are you a Swiss or a Chinese company?
Swiss 瑞士企业
Chinese 中国企业
Other (please specify) 其他请列明
Where in China is your company active?
Nation-wide 全国
Regionally, please indicate which region: 请注明具体地区
If you accept to be contacted for further discussion, please leave your email. It will not be used for marketing purpose or any other commercial use.
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