

英文题目:2020 Summer Boot Camp: Combining Health Big Data with Hybrid System Simulation
and Machine Learning to Inform Medical Decision Making in Health
面向对象(Attendees):系统科学仿真、大数据分析、机器学习应用、公共卫生流行病学 (慢性病和传染病模型)、卫生经济学等方向的教师和学生 (Scholars and students in fields of systems science simulation, big data analysis, machine learning and its applications in health, public health (modeling of chronic and infectious diseases), health economics, and others. 
报名人数:50人 (为保证教学质量, 本次培训限定人数:老师35,学生15人)
时间(Duration): 6-10天 (早上9点-下午5点, 中间周末休息)(调研中)
地点(Site): 西南财经大学 成都光华校区 (暂定)(Chengdu, China)
语言(Language): 英文 English
授课方式(Teaching style): Osgood 教授英文讲解,附加电脑模型演示,2-3名助教 随时回答问题

Nathaniel D. Osgood 教授简介

Osgood 教授本科、硕士、博士皆毕业于麻省理工学院。目前就职于加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学 计算机系正教授、社区与流行病系客座教授、生物工程系客座教授。Osgood 教授研究兴趣主要包括:系统仿真、大数据仿真、系统科学混合仿真(System Dynamics modeling, agent-based modeling, GIS, Social Network Analysis, Discrete Event Simulation 的多重混合模型)、健康大数据分析、移动数据用于健康行为分析、机器学习、高级范畴论、元语言抽象等。他曾在Lancet, American Journal of Public Health, Sexually Transmitted Infections, System Dynamics Review, Theoretical Population Biology, Value in Health, Preventive Medicine, Epidemics等杂志和高端国际会议发表文章100余篇。
Osgood 教授曾在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校、明尼苏达大学、北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校;澳洲新南威尔士大学、悉尼大学等诸多学校和机构开办夏季训练班10余次,受益学者和专家数百人。

Nathaniel D. Osgood’s Bio

Academic Credentials:
1.Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999, Dept. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Computer Science
2.Sc.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993, Dept. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
3.B.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990, Dept. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering

Appointments and Promotions:
Professor, Computer Science, 2017, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Associate Professor, Computer Science, 2010, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, 2005, University of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Associate Faculty, Department of Community Health & Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan
Associate Faculty, Bio-engineering Division, University of Saskatchewan


Books published in IOS Press, Oxford University Press, Westphalia Press, MIT Press;

Professor Osgood’s papers appears in more than 100 journals and to conference proceedings like The Lancet, American Journal of Public Health, Medical Decision Making, Sexually Transmitted Infections, System Dynamics Review, Theoretical Population Biology, Preventive Medicine, Epidemics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, BMC infectious diseases, Value in Health, PLoS ONE, Journal of Food Protection, Nursing Research

Boot Camp conducted in different universities and institutes:

University of New South Wales, Flinders University, the Sax Institute, Sydney University and Deakin University in Australia; UCLA, University of Minnesota and UNC/NCSU in the United States; Saskatchewan Ministry of Health, University of Saskatchewan in Canada
1. Your name 您的姓名:
2. Your institution 工作单位
3. Please provide your contact information if you are interested in this boot camp 如果感兴趣参加这个训练营,请留下您的联系方式 (手机号,邮箱,微信都可以,以便于统计人数)
4. Your job title 您的工作抬头【多选题】
教授 Professor
副教授 Associate professor
讲师 Assistant professor
博士后 Postdoc
在读博士 Ph.D. candidate
在读硕士 Master student
在读本科 Undergraduate
其它 Others
5. Your major research areas 您的主要研究领域【多选题】
Economic system modeling and simulation
Hospital management
Health economics
Chronic disease modeling
Infectious disease modeling
Social behavior modeling and simulation
6. Your competency in English conversation 您的有英文交流水平
Very advanced 交流没任何问题
Advanced 交流没问题,偶尔有不熟悉单词或情景
Pre-advanced 基本交流没问题(听课有PPT还可以)
Upper-intermediate 基本交流不困难 听课吃力
Intermediate 能听懂较慢的交流,听课有很大问题
7. Simulation tools you ever used 您熟悉的的仿真软件【多选题】
8. Programming languages with which you are familiar 请选择您熟悉的编程软件【多选题】
9. Please choose machine learning tools with which you are familiar请列出您熟悉的机器学习软件【多选题】
Google TensorFlow
Apache Spark
Apache Singa
Amazon Machine Learning
Microsoft Azure ML Studio
Apache Mahout
10. Your maximum reserved training time 您能接受的培训时间长度
One week, 1周
Two weeks, 2周
11. Your available time slots (6 days case) 您适宜的培训时间 (6天情况)【多选题】
May 4-9, 5月4-9号
May 11-16, 5月11-16号
May 18-23, 5月18-23号
May 25-30, 5月25-30号
June 1-6, 6月1-6号
June 8-13, 6月8-13号
June 15-20, 6月15-20号
June 22-27, 6月22-27号
12. Your available time slots (10 days case)您适宜的培训时段 (10天情况)【多选题】
May 4-15, 5月4-15
May 11-22, 5月11-22
May 18-29, 5月15-26
May 25-June 5, 5月25-六月5号
June 8-19, 6月8-19
June 15-26, 6月15-26
June 22-July 1, 6月22-7月1号
13. Registration fee for 6 days' boot camp 6天培训费用 (Osgood 教授同样6天在加拿大的培训, 收费1800 加元CAD,不包括任何其它费用)
¥3600 学生费用(注册)Student's Training Fee (Registration fee only)
¥3960 学生费用(注册+ 中餐) Student's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch)
¥6060 学生费用(注册+ 中餐+7天住宿) Student's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch+7days' hotel)
¥7200 教师费用(注册) Faculty's Training Fee (Registration fee only)
¥7560 教师费用(注册+ 中餐)Faculty's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch)
¥10360 教师费用(注册+ 中餐+7天住宿) Faculty's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch+7days' hotel)
14. Registration fee for 10 days' boot camp 10天培训费用 (Osgood 教授同样10天在加拿大的培训, 收费3200 加元CAD,不包括任何其它费用)中间周末休息【多选题】
¥4500 学生费用(注册)Student's Training Fee (Registration fee only)
¥5100 学生费用(注册+ 中餐) Student's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch)
¥9500 学生费用(注册+ 中餐+13天住宿) Student's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch+13days' hotel)
¥9000 教师费用(注册) Faculty's Training Fee (Registration fee only)
¥9600 教师费用(注册+ 中餐)Faculty's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch)
¥16100 教师费用(注册+ 中餐+13天住宿) Faculty's Training Fee (Registration fee +Lunch+13days' hotel)
15. Please choose your favorite topics 请选择您感兴趣的培训内容【多选题】
Big data in health
Researching Human Behaviour using Smartphones and Wearables: A Hands-On Introduction
System dynamics modeling in health
Agent-based modeling in infectious diseases
Spatial analysis for health related research
Discrete event simulation in Trauma Center
Social network analysis in health modeling
Hybrid modeling in examining reciprocal causality associated with service delivery and population health
Others please write here
16.Your additional requirements or special accommodations 您的其它需求请填在这里