Learning Styles Questionnaire 学习风格测试问卷

This questionnaire is designed to find out your preferred learning style(s). Over the years you have probably developed learning “habits” that help you benefit more from some experiences than from others. Since you are probably unaware of this, this questionnaire will help you pinpoint your learning preferences that suit your style. 本问卷的设计旨在确定你所偏好的学习风格。多年以来,你可能已经培养了一些学习“习惯”,能够帮助你从某些经历中更好的学习和受益。由于你可能并没有意识到这些,本问卷将帮助你确定适合你个人风格的学习偏好。
There is no time limit to this questionnaire. It will probably take you 10-15 minutes. The accuracy of the results depends on how honest you can be. There are no right or wrong answers. If you agree more than you disagree with a statement, put a tick by it. If you disagree more than you agree, put a cross by it. Be sure to mark each item with either a tick or cross. 本问卷没有时间限制。可能需要花费10-15分钟时间。问卷结果的准确性取决于你回答的真实性程度。答案没有对错之分。如果你对一项描述的同意程度多过于不同意,则点击“是”。如果不同意的程度多于同意,则点击“否”。每项描述前都必须选择点击“是”或“否“。
I often take reasonable risks if I feel they are justified 如果我觉得理由充分,我经常会承担一些合理的风险。
A. 是
B. 否
I tend to solve problems using a step by step approach, avoiding any ‘flights of fancy’ 我比较倾向于采用逐步解决的方法处理问题,不会凭借一时的冲动和想象。
A. 是
B. 否
I am known for getting straight to the point and for having a no-nonsense, direct way of doing things 大家都认为我是直接切入主题,做事实际而直接的人。
A. 是
B. 否
I often find that actions based on feelings are just as good as those based on thinking things through first 我经常会发现凭感觉行事其实和先经过思考再采取行动的效果相同。
A. 是
B. 否
I believe that the best way to decide if a new idea is any good is knowing if it works in practise or not 我认为,要判断一个新点子的好坏,最好的办法是看它是否在实践中有效。
A. 是
B. 否
When I hear about a new idea or way of doing things I like to start working out how to make it happen as soon as possible 当我听到一个新的点子或新的方法时,我喜欢立刻着手想办法怎样尽快将它付诸实践。
A. 是
B. 否
I like to organise my own way of doing things with clear rules and a step-by-step thinking pattern 我喜欢通过清晰的规则和循序渐进的思考模式来组织我自己的做事方法。
A. 是
B. 否
I take pride in doing a thorough, methodological job 能够彻底,系统化的完成一项工作让我很有成就感。
A. 是
B. 否
I get on better with people who appear to think things through than I do with people who seem to rush into things without looking at the consequences 与那些不计后果如何就匆忙行动的人相比,我更能与喜欢彻底思考问题的人融洽相处。
A. 是
B. 否
I take care over reading and understanding the information given to me and try to avoid jumping to conclusions 我会仔细阅读和理解提供给我的信息,并尽力避免妄下结论。
A. 是
B. 否
I like to reach a decision carefully after I have considered many alternative ways of doing things 我喜欢在考虑了多种可选的方式后,小心的作出一个决定。
A. 是
B. 否
I am attracted more to new and unusual ideas than to practical ones 新颖和不同寻常的想法比一些实用的想法更能够吸引我。
A. 是
B. 否
I don’t like situations that are strange to me and which don’t seem to fit in with what I already know 我不喜欢那些陌生的、看似与我所了解的情况不同的场合。
A. 是
B. 否
I like to fit what I do in with a general principle or a familiar way of doing things 我喜欢遵循通用的原则或熟悉的方式做事
A. 是
B. 否
In group discussions I am known for going straight to the point, no matter what others might think or feel 在团队讨论中,我常常是直接切中要害,不论其他人可能会怎么想或有怎样的感受。
A. 是
B. 否
I prefer to have lots of sources of information because I believe it’s best to have more rather than less to consider 我更喜欢拥有大量的信息来源,因为我觉得最好能有更多的信息供我参考。
A. 是
B. 否
Flippant people who don’t seem to take things seriously enough usually irritate me 那些轻浮无礼,不够严肃认真的人通常会让我觉得恼火。
A. 是
B. 否
I prefer to deal with events on a spontaneous and flexible basis rather than to plan everything out in advance 我更喜欢即兴、灵活的处理事件,而不是事先把每件事都计划好。
A. 是
B. 否
I don’t like having to finish my work within a set time limit because I would rather spend more time thinking about the problem 我不喜欢非得在规定的期限内完成工作,因为我更希望能够多花一些时间对问题进行思考。
A. 是
B. 否
I usually judge other people’s ideas mainly on whether they seem practical or not 我通常会根据是否实际可行来判断别人提议的好坏。
A. 是
B. 否
I often get irritated by people who want to rush headlong into things 蛮干的人经常会让我觉得恼火。
A. 是
B. 否
The present time is much more important than thinking about the past or future time 重视眼前比思考过去或将来要重要的多。
A. 是
B. 否
I think that decisions based on looking at all the options available are sounder than those based on hunches or on intuition 我认为通过观察现有的所有选择所作出的决定比那些凭借预感和直觉做的决定更为可靠。
A. 是
B. 否
In group work I enjoy giving my ideas to the group as soon as I think of them 在团队合作时,我会把想到提议立即告诉大家。
A. 是
B. 否
On balance I tend to talk more than I should and I ought to develop my listening skills 总的来说,我倾向于说的较多,我应该多培养聆听的技巧。
A. 是
B. 否
In meetings I get very impatient with people who waffle and seem to have forgotten the main points 对于会议上那些夸夸其谈,似乎忘记所谈论主题的人我会觉得很不耐烦。
A. 是
B. 否
I enjoy telling other people about my ideas and opinions 我很喜欢告诉别人我的想法和意见。
A. 是
B. 否
People who are working in groups should be realistic, keep to the point and avoid having fancy ideas 与团队合作共事的人应该现实、紧扣主题、避免那些不切实际的想法。
A. 是
B. 否
I like to think about lots of alternatives before making up my mind 在作出决定之前,我喜欢对许多选择进行思考。
A. 是
B. 否
Compared to how my friends react when working in groups, I reckon that on the whole I am more likely to stick to the point and not to get emotional 和我的朋友们相比,我认为我在团队中总的来说更为坚持重点,不情绪化。
A. 是
B. 否
In group work I am more likely to keep in the background than to take the lead or do most of the talking 在团队中,我更倾向于从事幕后工作,而不是担当领导或做大量讲话。
A. 是
B. 否
Most of the time I prefer to do the listening rather than the talking 大部分时间我更愿意聆听,而不是诉说。
A. 是
B. 否
Most of the time I believe that the end justifies the means 大部分时间我认为结果能够很好的说明方法是否有效。
A. 是
B. 否
Reaching the group’s objectives and targets should be more important than individual aims and feelings 达成团队目标应该比个人目标和感受更为重要。
A. 是
B. 否
I do whatever seems necessary to get the job done 为了完成任务,我会做好所有可能必要的工作。
A. 是
B. 否
 I quickly get bored with repetitive and detailed work 我对重复性、细节性的工作很快会感到厌倦。
A. 是
B. 否
I like to explore the basic principles and theories which lie underneath things 我喜欢探究事物背后的根本原理和理论。
A. 是
B. 否
I like group work to be organised and run according to a set plan 我喜欢团队工作能够根据一个已定的计划组织和实施。
A. 是
B. 否
I avoid subjects and things which can have more than one meaning 我不喜欢接触有一种以上含义的主题和事物。
A. 是
B. 否
I enjoy the drama and excitement of a crisis 我喜欢危机所富有的戏剧性和刺激。
A. 是
B. 否