CEVA North Asia Customer Satisfaction Survey 客户满意度调查

Dear Valued Customers,

Your feedback and even complaint is one of the critical drivers of our service quality improvement. 101% customer satisfaction is in the core of CEVA’s sustainable development strategy. With just 2 minutes, you can help us recognize where we can make a difference and how to improve to serve you better next time. THANK YOU!



您的反馈甚至抱怨是提升我们服务质量的关键动力之一。 101%的客户满意度是CEVA可持续发展战略的核心价值。 只要2分钟,您就可以帮助我们做出改变,并在我们的下次服务中获得更好的体验。 谢谢!


                                                              -CEVA North Asia Management / CEVA北亚区管理团队,

Your Email Address 请提供您的邮箱地址:
What service(s) is CEVA Logistics providing to your company? (Multiple Choice)
CEVA 目前为您公司提供哪些服务?(可以多选)【多选题】
Air Freight 空运
Ocean Freight 海运
Ground Transportation (including trucking and rail) 陆运(包括卡车和铁路)
Project (or Out-of-Gauge) Logistics 大件/项目物流
Customs Clearance Services 报关服务
Warehouse and Distribution 仓储/分拨/派送
What is your appreciated when working together with CEVA Logistics? 在同CEVA的合作中,您最喜欢我们哪些方面? 
What kind of troubles you experienced with CEVA Logistics? 在您同CEVA的合作经历中,最不喜欢什么?
What suggestion to improve and to meet your service needs do you have? 您对我们还有哪些建议和服务需求?