来华留学生就业意向调查 The Questionaire of International Students' Employment Intention in China







Dear Sir/Madam:

CUCAS (China's University and College Admission System) intend to provide more premium and comprehensive services to international students in China (or planning to study in China). To this end, we wish to develop a new project related to employment in a bid to help foreign students in need to find favorite jobs and better achieve personal growth. Therefore, we initiate this survey to find out the employment intention of international students, so we can provide targeted services to you.

This survey is anonymous and the information will only be used internally. Your answer will be kept confidential, so please be assured to fully complete all questions. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation and participation.


Part 1: Personal Information
请问您的国籍是Your nationality:
请问您的性别是Your gender:
男 Male
女 Female
您的年龄是?What is your age?
未满18 Under 18
18-24岁 18-24 years old
25-35岁 25-35 years old
36-40岁 36-40 years old
41-50岁 41-50 years old
您的婚姻状况 Your marital status:
已婚 Married
未婚 Single
其他 Other
您的配偶现居住在?Your spouse is now residing in: (请填写国家及城市)(Please write down the name of the country and city)
您配偶目前的工作状态是 Your spouse's employment status?
在职 Employed
在读 Student
待业在家 Unemployed
您是否有孩子?Do you have children?
没有 No.
有1个 Yes, I have a child.
有2个 Yes, I have two children.
有3个及以上 Yes, I have three (or more) children.
您来中国多久了?How long have you been in China?
还没来中国 Haven't came to China yet
不足1年 Less than 1 year
1-3年 1-3 years
4-6年 4-6 years
7年及以上 7 years or more
Part 2: Information about Studying
您目前的最高学历是(毕业前)?What’s your highest degree by now?(before graduation)
高中 High school degree
本科 Bachelor degree
硕士 Master’s degree
博士 Doctoral degree
其他 Other (Please specify)
您打算研读的学习项目是:What program are you planning to study?
短期项目 Short-term Program
长期项目 Long-term Program
本科 Undergraduate Program
硕士 Postgraduate Program
博士 Doctoral Program
其他 Other (Please specify)
您的汉语水平如何?How about your Chinese language proficiency?
熟练且流利 I’m proficient in Chinese.
无交流障碍 I can communicate with others easily.
无阅读障碍 I can read without difficulty.
可以进行基本交流和阅读 I have basic speaking and reading skill.
不会汉语 I don't know Chinese.
您的学习成绩如何?How about your academic performance at school?
非常好 Excellent
较好 Good
一般 Average
较差 Poor
非常差 Terrible
您考取了什么证书吗?Have you obtained any certificates?
没有 No.
有 Yes. (请填写 Please specify)
Part 3: Employment
您是否有实习经验?Have you taken any internships?(If you are a student now.)
有 Yes.
无 No.
您是否有工作经验?Do you have any work experience?(If you have worked before.)
有 Yes.
无 No.
您曾在哪里工作?Where did you work before?
中国 China (请说明Please write down the name of city)
其他国家 Other countries (请说明 Please specify)
您毕业后打算?What do you plan to do after graduation?
继续学习 Continue their education
工作 Work
回国 Return home
其他 Other (Please specify)
您愿意在中国就业吗?Do you want to work in China?
想 Yes.
不想 No.
您为什么想在中国工作?Why do you want to work in China?(多选 1-3 项)【Please select 1-3 item】
工作机会多 Plentiful job opportunities
发展空间大 Ample space for development
社会安定 Public safety
生活便利 Life convenience
薪资高 High salary
有同伴 Have companions
其他 Other (Please specify)
您的主要的就业信息来源是? What’s your main sources of employment information?(请按优先级选择1-3项)【Please select 1-3 item and sort them】
  • 招聘网站 Recruitment websites
  • 招聘会 Job Fairs
  • 政府网站 Government websites
  • 学校或老师介绍 Reference from universities or professors
  • 社交媒体 Social media
  • 亲友介绍 Reference from relatives or friends
  • 其他 Other (Please specify)
您期待的工作城市?Which city do you want to work in?
您想要什么样的工作类型?What type of job do you want?
兼职 Part time
全职 Full time
周末工作 Weekend time
其他 Other (Please specify)
您期望从事什么行业?What industry do you expect to work in? (请按优先级选择1-3项)【Please select 1-3 item and sort them】
  • 教育 Education
  • 互联网与信息技术 IT
  • 金融保险 Finance & Insurance
  • 生物医药 Biology & Medicine
  • 文化传媒 Biology & Media
  • 社会工作 Social Work
  • 物流仓储 Logistic & Warehousing
  • 建筑与交通运输 Architecture & Transportation
  • 房地产业 Real Estate
  • 餐饮业 Catering Industry
  • 快消行业 Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • 零售批发业 Wholesale & Retail
  • 农林牧渔业 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal husbandry and Fishery
  • 矿产采掘业 Mineral Industry
  • 电力、煤气及水生产供应 Electricity, Gas & Water Production and Supply
  • 新材料能源业 New Material & Energy
  • 其他 Other (Please specify)
您的期望薪资是多少(税前年薪)?How many salary do you expect?(Pre-tax annual salary)
9万元以下 Less than 90,000 RMB
10-19万元 100,000-190,000 RMB
20-29万元 200,000-290,000 RMB
30万元及以上 300,000 RMB or above
找工作时您最看重的因素是?What are the most significant factors in terms of finding a job?(请按优先级选择1-3项)【Please select 1-3 item and sort them】
  • 薪资水平 Salary and welfare
  • 工作地点 Working location
  • 工作环境 Working condition
  • 晋升空间 Promotion opportunity
  • 行业影响力 Corporate industry influence
  • 其他 Other (Please specify)
您身边留学生的毕业主要去向?Where did your friends (international students) mainly go after graduation?
继续学习 Continue their education
工作 Work
回国 Return home
不知道 Don’t know
您的朋友的工作地点是?Where do they work?
中国 China (请写城市名Please write down the name of city)
祖国 His/her homecountry(请写国家名 Please write down the name of country)
其他国家 Other countries (请写国家名 Please write down the name of country)
您希望从CUCAS得到什么帮助?What kind of service do you want from CUCAS?(请按优先级选择1-4项)【Please select 1-4 item and sort them】
  • 定向培养 Oriented training
  • 实习信息 Information about internship
  • 招聘会信息 Information about job fairs
  • 短期招聘信息 Information about short-term recruitment
  • 热门岗位推荐 Recommendation of hot jobs
  • 具体岗位推荐 Recommendation of specific positions
  • 其他 Other (Please specify)
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