
Direction: Below is a series of statement concerning intercultural communication. There are no right or wrong answers. Please work quickly and record your first impression by indicating the degree to which you agree or disagree with the statement. Thank you for your corporation.


第一部分 (Section One)
* 所在学校名称(University)
* 1. 性别 (Sex)
* 2. 年龄 (Age)
* 3.  硕士专业 (Major as Postgraduates)
* 4.本科专业 (Major as Bachelors)
* 5.年级 (Grade)
* 6.外语水平 (Foreign language competence)
* 7. 国外留学经历/工作经历 (Studying or working abroad experience)
* 8.您在国外学习或工作时间 (Period of studying or working abroad)
* 9. 您和其它文化的外国人有过交往吗? (Have you ever interacted with people from other cultures?)
* 10.若有,您是否觉察到了文化差异的存在?(Have you ever noticed the existence of cultural differences?)
* 11.您是否发现来自其他文化的人对我方文化产生质疑?(Have you ever discovered that there are people questioning our cultures?)
* 12.您是否与来自其他文化的人群有过成功的交往或交流经验?(Did you interact with people from other cultures successfully?)
* 13.与来自其他文化的人交流或交往过程中,您是否有过失败的案例?(Have you ever failed once when interacting with people from other cultures?)
* 14.您与来自其他文化的人进行的成功交往或交流是否对您的交流目的产生作用?(Did you successful interaction with people from different cultures have a influence over your purpose of exchange?)
* 15. 您觉得自己是成功的跨文化交际者吗 (Do you think you are a successful cross-cultural communicator?)
* 16. 您觉得作为一个成功的跨文化交际者,应该具备哪些素质?(What do you think are the basic qualities as a successful cross-cultural communicator?) 【多选题】
* 17.您从何种途径了解他国文化? (How did you get access to cultures?) 【多选题】
第二部分(Section Two)
* 1. I find it is easy to talk with people from different cultures.
* 2. I am afraid to express myself when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 3. I find it is easy to get along with people from different cultures.
* 4. I am not always the person I appear to be when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 5. I am able to express my ideas clearly when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 6. I have problems with grammar when interacting with people from different cultures. (message skills)
* 7. I am able to answer questions effectively when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 8. I find it is difficult to feel my culturally different counterparts are similar to me.
* 9. I use appropriate eye contact when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 10. I have problems distinguishing between informative and persuasive messages when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 11. I always know how to initiate a conversation when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 12. I often miss parts of what is going on when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 13. I feel relaxed when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 14. I often act like a very different person when interacting with people from different cultures.
* 15. I always show respect for my culturally different counterparts during our interaction.
* 16. I always feel a sense of distance with my culturally different counterparts during our interaction.
* 17. I find I have a lot in common with my culturally different counterparts during our interaction.
* 18. I find the best way to act is to be myself when interacting with people from different cultures. (behavioral flexibility)
* 19. I find it is easy to identify with my culturally different counterparts during our interaction.
* 20. I always show respect for the opinions of my culturally different counterparts during our interaction.
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