Investigation on criteria weights of non-invasive ventilation modes of ventilator

The goal of this investigation is to get the weights of the criteria of ventilator performance. All the following questions are based on the normal use of the ventilator.
Maximum pressure drop VS EPAP error
(Maximum pressure drop: the absolute difference between expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) and the lowest pressure during inspiration;
EPAP error: the absolute difference between the actual pressure and the set EPAP during expiration.)
Maximum pressure drop VS IPAP error
(Maximum pressure drop: the absolute difference between EPAP(Expiratory positive airway pressure) and the lowest pressure during inspiration.
 IPAP error: the absolute difference between the actual pressure and the set IPAP(Inspiratory positive airway pressure) during inspiration.)
EPAP error VS IPAP error
(EPAP error: the absolute difference between the actual pressure and the set EPAP during expiration.
IPAP error: the absolute difference between the actual pressure and the set IPAP(Inspiratory positive airway pressure) during inspiration.)
Time to settle (increase) VS Time to settle (decrease)
(Time to settle (increase): time needed from the moment leak was increased until the tidal volume was within 2 standard deviations of the mean tidal volume for each leak level.
Time to settle (decrease): time needed from the moment leak was decreased until the tidal volume was within 2 standard deviations of the mean tidal volume for each leak level. )
Peak flow rising ratio during inhalation VS Tidal volume
(Peak flow rising ratio during inhalation:peak flow divided by Insp T90.
Tidal volume:the volume of gas inhaled or exhaled in a breathing cycle.)
Insp T90 VS Exp T90
(Insp T90: the time to accomplish 90% of the rise to IPAP.
Exp T90: the time to accomplish 90% of the drop from peak pressure to EPAP.)
Insp T90 VS Trigger time
(Insp T90: the time to accomplish 90% of the rise to IPAP.
Trigger time: point in time at which airway pressure has returned to baseline after downward deflection.)
Exp T90 VS Trigger time
(Exp T90: the time to accomplish 90% of the drop from peak pressure to EPAP.
Trigger time: point in time at which airway pressure has returned to baseline after downward deflection.)
Stability of pressurization VS Response to leaks alteration
(The stability of pressurization:The control precision of pressurization during ventilation. It contains three alternatives.1) maximum pressure drop; 2) IPAP error; 3) EPAP error.
Response to leaks alteration:Leak correction represents the ability of the ventilator to adapt the changes of systematic leak. It has two alternatives: time needed from the moment leak was increased or decreased until the tidal volume was within 2 standard deviations of the mean tidal volume for each leak level.)
Stability of pressurization VS Volume delivery
(The stability of pressurization:The control precision of pressurization during ventilation. It contains three alternatives.1) maximum pressure drop; 2) IPAP error; 3) EPAP error.
Volume delivery assesses the gas output of a ventilator, includes 1) peak flow rising ratio during inhalation (peak flow divided by Insp T90) and 2) tidal volume.)
Stability of pressurization VS Performance of reaction
(The stability of pressurization:The control precision of pressurization during ventilation. It contains three alternatives.1) maximum pressure drop; 2) IPAP error; 3) EPAP error.
Performance of reaction: To evaluate the performance of reaction, the following alternatives are considered: 1) Exp T90; 2) Insp T90; 3) trigger time.)
Stability of pressurization VS Accuracy in oxygen delivery
(The stability of pressurization:The control precision of pressurization during ventilation. It contains three alternatives.1) maximum pressure drop; 2) IPAP error; 3) EPAP error.
The accuracy in oxygen delivery refers to the difference between the preset oxygen concentration and the actual one delivered.)
Response to leaks alteration VS Volume delivery
(Response to leaks alteration:Leak correction represents the ability of the ventilator to adapt the changes of systematic leak. It has two alternatives: time needed from the moment leak was increased or decreased until the tidal volume was within 2 standard deviations of the mean tidal volume for each leak level.
Volume delivery assesses the gas output of a ventilator, includes 1) peak flow rising ratio during inhalation (peak flow divided by Insp T90) and 2) tidal volume.)
Response to leaks alteration VS Performance of reaction
(Response to leaks alteration:Leak correction represents the ability of the ventilator to adapt the changes of systematic leak. It has two alternatives: time needed from the moment leak was increased or decreased until the tidal volume was within 2 standard deviations of the mean tidal volume for each leak level.
Performance of reaction: To evaluate the performance of reaction, the following alternatives are considered: 1) Exp T90; 2) Insp T90; 3) trigger time.)
Response to leaks alteration VS Accuracy in oxygen delivery
(Response to leaks alteration:Leak correction represents the ability of the ventilator to adapt the changes of systematic leak. It has two alternatives: time needed from the moment leak was increased or decreased until the tidal volume was within 2 standard deviations of the mean tidal volume for each leak level.
The accuracy in oxygen delivery refers to the difference between the preset oxygen concentration and the actual one delivered.)
Volume delivery VS Performance of reaction
(Volume delivery assesses the gas output of a ventilator, includes 1) peak flow rising ratio during inhalation (peak flow divided by Insp T90) and 2) tidal volume
Performance of reaction: To evaluate the performance of reaction, the following alternatives are considered: 1) Exp T90; 2) Insp T90; 3) trigger time.)
Volume delivery VS Accuracy in oxygen delivery
(Volume delivery assesses the gas output of a ventilator, includes 1) peak flow rising ratio during inhalation (peak flow divided by Insp T90) and 2) tidal volume
The accuracy in oxygen delivery refers to the difference between the preset oxygen concentration and the actual one delivered.)
Performance of reaction VS Accuracy in oxygen delivery
(Performance of reaction: To evaluate the performance of reaction, the following alternatives are considered: 1) Exp T90; 2) Insp T90; 3) trigger time.
The accuracy in oxygen delivery refers to the difference between the preset oxygen concentration and the actual one delivered.)